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 Post subject: New Toys
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:48 am  
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Obtuse Oaf
Joined: Sun May 16, 2010 12:38 pm
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So I just picked up a sweet new paintball marker. One of my buddies hooked me up with an amaaaaaaazing gun, 2 new masks, hopper, tank and some magazines for my pistol for $40. I'm in love!

uploadfromtaptalk1359787690141.jpg [ 119.59 KiB | Viewed 5844 times ]

What new toys have you boys gotten lately?

Callysta of Reverence
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:56 am  
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Blathering Buffoon
Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 1014

I thought this was going in a totally different direction! :P And I haven't actually gotten anything new in a while. Around Thanksgiving I got a new phone, but it's nothing special.

s^ | Kay
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:17 am  
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Deliciously Trashy
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best new toy


 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:08 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
Joined: Thu May 13, 2010 12:19 pm
Posts: 8116

$40? How much are the consumables? I smell a hook...

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:15 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
Joined: Thu May 13, 2010 3:18 pm
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40 bucks is a hell of a deal on that. I have mine somewhere around here I'll put up a picture of it later

 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:40 pm  
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Obtuse Oaf
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I don't pay for anything for the most part. You pay for paint ($40 a case which should last for 4 days of playing) but I get a sponsored price since all of my friends are famous pros. Most people have to pay a field fee if they don't have access to a private field. I'm a private guest at each field in the area, so I haven't had to pay for an event yet. In short, the sport can be pricey or cheap depending on where you live and who you know.

I'm picking up 3 more markers today for $25 each. One is a Dye Rail. I'm just so excited. Getting a several hundred dollar gun for $25 is sick. I was supposed to go play today but my daughter has a birthday party to attend.

Sam! Let me see your gun! :p

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

Callysta of Reverence
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:07 pm  
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Blathering Buffoon
Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 1014

i guess i could consider my hat my best new toy? :D hurray sock monkeys!


(sorry for the bad lighting and quality, ipods are not meant to take pictures i think)

s^ | Kay
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:14 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
Joined: Thu May 13, 2010 12:19 pm
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I hired a ReloCube to transport my stuff to Cincinnati. $825, with a bit of negotiation from securing a $150ish discount. With much consideration, I believe this was cheaper than mailing some things and replacing others.

The firm emailed me a "confirmation". I read it before clicking Accept. The rental cube fee did not even appear on the invoice. Instead, they wannted to bill me $700 for loading/unloading help - a service I had expressly not ordered, "Action Reqiured to complete order". Right. Called them up and had it cancelled. The csalesperson did not seem too surprised at tje "system error".

Anyway, the next day, the cube was dropped, in a metered parking space in front of a car dealership next door to the housing complex. I fed the meter. Three times, different managers came out to hassle me about how the thing was taking up a space and asking when it'd be moved. I said it wasnt taking up a space, it was occupying a space - the meter was fed and it was public property, metered parking, so the thing had a right to be there. People park in front of that dealership all the time. I think they just didnt like the "aura" from the trailer box or the foot traffic of me hustling odd things back and forth. Well, too bad.

I had requezted "live load" - the driver stands there while the customer loads the cube. The district manager had a shitty attitude and called me up to ask that the driver be allowed to drop the cube and make other deliveries. It seemed to me he wanted to fradulently bill me for wait time, or double dip - charge two clients for the same time - and his agggressive, bullying attitude immediately aroussed auspicion, but the manager apparently realized that it was necessary to reason with me and said that this way, I'd get more load time. So I agreed, undeer the condition he email me a memo to the effect that I would not get charged for wait time. He assented and did so.Th
e morning of the move, the manager called me up again to harangue me that the thing had to be loaded before 130, or the driver would take the cube. This contradicted his prior promise to give me all day. I refused to give any such assurance, and I said if he took the cube I would do a chargeback and sue in small claims for breach of contract. The guy began to patronize and insultt me, so I hung up. A moment later, he called me back to harangue me more anout my "unprofessional" attitude (whos buying from who?) I listened, he went back to bullying and insulting me, so I hung up again.In

contrast to the dbag manager, the driver was a right cool guy with considerable personal charisma. Good cop bad cop, or just how it was, whatever. So he dropped the cube and was on his way. An

yway, the management had a truck rental firm haul a forklift out to move the thing. They waited for the meter to expire, or maybe the forklift operator disnt want to do the tow because he knew itd be illegal. In any event, I fed the meter for three hours just 10m to before it ran out, and took several pictures of the fed meter and cube with my camera phone. They saw me do this. Dismayed, the forklift was dismissed.At
this point, another manager, a tall, handsome 6'2" guy with dyed jet black hair, again arrogantly harassed me about the cube. I asked, "Do you want it gone?" Too muchh of a prick to answer directly, so I followed up, "If you have one of your people -" - a flunkie or two had been closely circling the cube, invasively peering in, doing nothing else this whole time - " the thing will be gone much sooner. It is to your advantage to have it gone sooner, no?" The guy gavve me the "dog is talking" look. "Uh, no, that would not be to our advantage." He arrogantly tuned and walked off. I hate people like that. Fools who work against their interest and resort to bullying and affected arrogance because they are too damn stupid to perceive their own best advantage. An
yway, I decided to take out the biggest, heaviest box first - aone measuring 18 inches on each side, filled with my book collection. I struggled to get it on my flimsy dolley and started to pull. Almost immediatelly the metal crossbar bent out of its socet from material fatigue. So instread I rolled the damn box to the cube. I th
en went for a walk - tfirst, to the thrift store, where i bought a nice cute barely used Trek red sub-mountain bike. $100. I Needs a new seat and some cleaning with alcohol but otherwise a beauty. I took the bikwle out, bound it to. the Y button, and hearode it down the street to the hardware store. Really nice people work there. I bought a reallly good new dolley for $70 and some mountaineering bungie cables, tied the bike to the dolley then rolled it home. I resolved to load the bike last - I had bought it knowning Id need it in Cinn - last, as I didnt want it to be stolen again. The new dolley was jet black, real sturdy, had an upper pair of wheels so it could be situated horizonatally, and was a ton of fun to use.

Actually, I didnt finish unrltil 230. The driver came back just as I was wrapping up. "Hey, sory about my dispatcher, I know he's a dick... " "Its cool man " "Uh take your time. Dont kill yourself." I dont think he was kidding. I am in poor physical shape typical nerd build -no muscle ;- and am further handicapped by my small frame. He may well have bewn worried I would succumb to heart attack. Regardless, it all got sone. Now my room is.a mostly empty mess.
But i did get this new used bike and this awesome dilolley, which were the last things i loaded. i can, uh, take pictures when i get to cinn, i guess. Today ai bought a copy of pokemon black 2 with matching DS-61-2 action figure to play on the long and lonely trip there. I alsoo bought a neat fedora, a boxred Sonoma bathrobe, a change purse, and some file folders, for 12, 10, 5 and 2 respectively. Want to clear out the bargains before leaving. Oh
and four lunch I stopped at an all you can eat (a diff one lol). I didnt get arrested, but i did do something which ive never tried before: a glass of wine, a sonoma cabernet sauvingon. I t seemed appropriate aas no non alcoholic beverages were servwd at the bar restaurant and id been meaning to. I think the wine was fine...the problem was me. I could barely touch it. All i could taste was the alcohol, the strench of it, the acridity, seemed unbearable. Since i know most people enjoy drinking wine, it is logical to conclude this is another case of my severely borked perception. Oh well.

So, uh, yeah! A new used bike, a dolley, a hat and some other crap. Sorry for shitty writing quality my phones onscreen keyboard blows. i will clean it up later. and, uh, sorry Callysta for stealinfg the floor. Ps: in pokemon coliseum for the gamecube, the beginning pokemon - there are twoo - are umbreon and espeon. characteristically, I named mine umbro and spiro, and passed them all the way forward to HeartGold. i will eventually xfer them to black 2. then 0pokemon X.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:37 pm  
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Deliciously Trashy
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finally came today. fangirling so hard. been wandering around the house quoting loki all morning.

 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:44 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
Joined: Thu May 13, 2010 12:19 pm
Posts: 8116

Just remember to hit Down + B if anyone sees you.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:08 pm  
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Fat Bottomed Faggot
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Needs more 98 Custom aka gold standard.

Also, needs to be summer.

Also also, I have no new toys.

"Ok we aren't such things and birds are pretty advanced. They fly and shit from anywhere they want. While we sit on our automatic toilets, they're shitting on people and my car while a cool breeze tickles their anus. That's the life."
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:09 pm  
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Fat Bottomed Faggot
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And why is there so much space between your hopper and your gun?

"Ok we aren't such things and birds are pretty advanced. They fly and shit from anywhere they want. While we sit on our automatic toilets, they're shitting on people and my car while a cool breeze tickles their anus. That's the life."
 Post subject: Re: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:35 pm  
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Obtuse Oaf
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Weena wrote:
And why is there so much space between your hopper and your gun?

I have adapter on it. I snagged it because it was pretty. One of the 3 I am snagging today is s Tippman 98. Great gun.

My pistol is a RAP4 T68. It is sexy.

I love that I live in a place where I can play every weekend if I want.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

Callysta of Reverence
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:18 am  
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Kunckleheaded Knob
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It's all about the Brass Eagle Eradicator or w/e from Wal-Mart. Don't need all that expensive shit. Don't waste time. Just run and gun, blasting bitches. If anything I just freeze my balls.

 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:58 am  
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Fat Bottomed Faggot
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Euphonic wrote:
It's all about the Brass Eagle Eradicator or w/e from Wal-Mart. Don't need all that expensive shit. Don't waste time. Just run and gun, blasting bitches. If anything I just freeze my balls.

Who runs?

Walk around Terminator style, shooting from the hip.

No cover, all man.

"Ok we aren't such things and birds are pretty advanced. They fly and shit from anywhere they want. While we sit on our automatic toilets, they're shitting on people and my car while a cool breeze tickles their anus. That's the life."
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