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 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:25 pm  
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Str8 Actin Dude
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Usdk wrote:
I thought i heard there was a reason zimmerman was pursuing the guy. like there was a breakin that had just been called in or something, but I can't remember for sure. I haven't really paid attention to this nothing of a case.

At the end of the day, the fact remains that:

1) It wasn't his responsibility
2) If he assumes the responsibility, he also assumes responsibility for the consequences of any mistakes he makes
3) He was instructed not to pursue by a dispatcher

I don't think Zimmerman is a bad man who intended to kill someone, but regardless, that is what happened. Whatever Martin's past crimes or negative behaviors may be, they are irrelevant. You have to apply the law based on the law, not based on 'well he was a punk anyway so he deserved it'. I'm not saying you believe this, but this attitude is all too prevalent.


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 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:27 pm  
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French Faggot
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To avoid getting lost at the bottom of page 1, here we go again.

Boredalt wrote:
"only because"? No. Trayvon Martin died. I think, without eyewitnesses, a trial is fair and legitimate. I think the delay stemmed from a realization from prosecution that the case is likely a loser.

That's never stopped prosecutors in the past. Unless the Sanford Prosecutor's Office is staffed by a bunch of pussies (seems obvious, considering how much pressure it took for them to act), they'd have had Zimmerman taking a plea bargain for manslaughter with 15 years within days of the incident. The delay can also be attributed to the "bungling" by the police who initially stopped Zimmerman.

Boredalt wrote:
He will get a fair trial that hinges on a questionable law. People can hate this law, but can't blame Zimmerman's defense for applying it here.

Two things. First off, it's impossible for him to get a fair trial. Everyone knows the background of this case. He can't get an impartial jury. It will be packed with angry people who want whitey's blood, and with angry people think that uppity nigger got what was coming to him. Not a one of them will reach a decision based on the facts presented. With any luck, the jury selection process will screen enough of the people who are really bad at pretending to be impartial, so at least it won't look like a farce.

The Zimmerman defense team can apply the Stand Your Ground law all it wants. I'd certainly use it if I were his lawyer. Problem is, it's not nearly as airtight as you seem to think. You're allowed to use deadly force when:

(1) A person is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another when using defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm to another if:
(a) The person against whom the defensive force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcefully entering, or had unlawfully and forcibly entered, a dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle, or if that person had removed or was attempting to remove another against that person’s will from the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle; and
(b) The person who uses defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry or unlawful and forcible act was occurring or had occurred.

(2) The presumption set forth in subsection (1) does not apply if:
(a) The person against whom the defensive force is used has the right to be in or is a lawful resident of the dwelling, residence, or vehicle, such as an owner, lessee, or titleholder, and there is not an injunction for protection from domestic violence or a written pretrial supervision order of no contact against that person

That's the first hitch. Martin had a right to be in the area, so the presumption of imminent peril is lost. The statute does not mention state of mind; that Zimmerman thought Martin was there illegally is irrelevant. Martin was legally on the premises, so Zimmerman is precluded from asserting imminent peril. Additionally, but perhaps however:

(1) A person who uses force as permitted in s. 776.012, s. 776.013, or s. 776.031 is justified in using such force and is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use of such force, unless [etc etc, not relevant to this particular section of discussion].

The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:
(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or
(2) Initially provokes the use of force against himself or herself, unless:
(a) Such force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant; or
(b) In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use of force.

If Martin did in fact assault Zimmerman (I don't try the facts, a jury does that), Zimmerman provoked the use of force against him. I am not a doctor, and I've never been in a fight. I'd venture, however, that a broken nose isn't "imminent danger of death or great bodily harm" and that Zimmerman did not pursue any other reasonable means of breaking off the contact. The reasonable person standard (despite how it sounds) is objective, not subjective. Getting your ass kicked sucks, I'd wager, but it's not enough to make the "reasonable person" think I need to shoot this kid right now or I'm a dead man.

Boredalt wrote:
After following this case for a while, my beliefs are that we have a wanna-be cop thug patrolling the neighborhood with his gun like some sort of Charles Bronson vigilante who came across a young, tough, volatile thug who wasn't going to put up with any shit. When Zimmerman got out of the car to follow Martin between the units, Martin started beating his ass. Zimmerman went from thinking he was tough to scared shitless and shot Martin. Zimmerman will hide behind the no-retreat law, and get out of this, but I still think he is to blame for the outcome. This law might not protect him in civil court, though. Tuhl might be able to address this. Just my opinion.

Like I said above, he'll hide behind the Stand Your Ground, but it won't be enough. And the family can, of course, pursue him in civil court. The outcome of the criminal case, whatever it may be, will not affect a wrongful death suit. Just look at Hattori v. Peairs. Guy was acquitted (wrongfully, as much of the lawyering world likes to point out) in criminal court, but lost in civil court because no matter how "innocent" he was per the criminal code, the kid he shot was still dead.

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 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:33 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Dispatchers aren't sworn law enforcement so you dont have to follow their orders.

EDIT: I THINK they're not. If they're not you don't have to follow.

 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:27 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Azelma wrote:
Anyway, you're ignoring Florida law: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stand-your-ground_law

I'm not ignoring it. I said:

The beautiful irony of this is that many states (e.g., Texas) have laws allowing you to shoot someone in pre-emptive self-defense (if one believes he is threatened), but not punch someone in pre-emptive self-defense.

Punching a man who made a point of harassing him is being considered here as an excuse for the harasser to commit murder.

But if the kid was an adult and pulled a gun and shot Zimmerman cold dead, he could argue, quite correctly as it has turned out (he was killed by the person in question) that he was acting within his right - but do you think anyone would believe a black man saying that?

Ironically, that same law could be used to argue that Martin had a right to shoot Zimmerman cold dead, because Martin had a right to be where he was and he had good reason to fear Zimmerman. As facts demonstrated.

So you see the problem with laws amounting to legalized vigilantism. With the most impartial interpretation, they slide into a free-for-all. Thus to be practical, such laws cannot help but be racist.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:51 pm  
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Blathering Buffoon
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1) Do you think Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder only because of the media shit-storm surrounding this incident... or do you believe this is a legitimate charge?

Both. The charge is legitimate. I don't believe it was premeditated murder, but an unarmed kid is dead by the hand of a neighborhood watch who was told to stay away from him. The media shitstorm here is that there should have been an investigation. I do not know all the details, nobody except Zimmerman does, but that is why I felt there should be an investigation. I didn't necessarily think they should have charged him, but they didn't even investigate it as anything other than self defense for weeks.

2) Do you think Zimmerman is going to get a fair trial with all the information (wrong and right) that has been put forward?

They did well enough with Casey Anthony. The bitch killed the kid, but there wasn't enough proof. The prosecution just didn't have the evidence to back their story up, so there was reasonable doubt and she was acquitted. They won't have anyone from Central Florida in the jury (same as with Casey), there were enough people living under rocks who didn't even know about the CA story, so I'd assume the same to be true about this.

3) What do you think will happen if Zimmerman isn't convicted of second-degree murder?

Same thing as what happened with Casey. And a civil suit will surely follow for wrongful death, and they'll probably win.

4) Did you make a rush to judgement when the media first started covering this story as White man killed unarmed black kid because the black kid was innocently walking home one night?

No, like I said before, I thought they were way too quick to just drop it the way they did and should have done a full investigation of the incident.

5) How did you feel about the Media's character building of Zimmerman and Martin, in the sense that the images and reporting often used were many years old and didn't accurately depict either party accurately?

Media bullshit, same as always. This will never change. I try to ignore those stories. Nothing these guys did in the past really matters now.

6) Do you think Zimmerman followed and killed Martin because Martin was black?

I think he followed him because he was, yes. Killed? No. I'm not sure why exactly he killed him. From the 911 tapes, Zimmerman was *explicitly* told not to follow him. Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend while he was walking, they've dumped the phone records and proven this. The girlfriend has made statements regarding this call, and that Martin knew he was being followed and was scared, but didn't run because he wasn't doing anything wrong. He was wearing a hoodie, because it still gets cold enough here for that.

7) Do you think the media tried to make this a racial issue by always pointing out race in nearly every report?

They always will.

That said, like Tuhl said, the Stand Your Ground law is not cut and dry the way people think it was. It doesn't matter if Martin initiated with a punch to this guy's face. The same punch that probably knocked him on his ass and gave him the head wound, if we're getting technical. He nullified the Stand Your Ground law when he not only followed Martin, but then got out of his car and confronted him. The men who wrote Stand Your Ground even say this does not constitute self defense under their law. This will be the prosecution's driving point. Anyway, here's an actual transcript and a link to the call. At about 1:40 is when it sounds like he gets out of his car.


We’ve had some break-ins in my neighborhood and there’s a real suspicious guy. It’s Retreat View Circle. The best address I can give you is 111 Retreat View Circle.

This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around looking about. [00:25]

911 dispatcher:

OK, is he White, Black, or Hispanic?


He looks black.

911 dispatcher:

Did you see what he was wearing?


Yeah, a dark hoodie like a gray hoodie. He wore jeans or sweat pants and white tennis shoes. He’s here now … he’s just staring. [00:42]

911 dispatcher:

He’s just walking around the area, the houses? OK.


Now he’s staring at me. [00:48]

911 dispatcher:

OK, you said that’s 1111 Retreat View or 111?


That’s the clubhouse.

911 dispatcher:

He’s near the clubhouse now?


Yeah, now he’s coming toward me. He’s got his hands in his waist band.

And he’s a black male.[1:03]

911 dispatcher:

How old would you say he is?


He’s got something on his shirt. About like his late teens.

911 dispatcher:

Late teens?


Uh, huh.

Something’s wrong with him. Yep, he’s coming to check me out.

He’s got something in his hands. I don’t know what his deal is. [01:20]

911 dispatcher:

Let me know if he does anything, OK?



911 dispatcher:

We’ve got him on the wire. Just let me know if this guy does anything else.



These assholes. They always get away.

When you come to the clubhouse, you come straight in and you go left. Actually, you would go past the clubhouse. [1:39]

911 dispatcher:

OK, so it’s on the left hand side of the clubhouse?


Yeah. You go in straight through the entrance and then you would go left. You go straight in, don’t turn and make a left.

He’s running. [2:08]

911 dispatcher:

He’s running? Which way is he running?


Down toward the other entrance of the neighborhood. [2:14]

911 dispatcher:

OK, which entrance is that he’s headed towards?


The back entrance.

[It sounds like Zimmerman says under his breath, ‘F-ing coons’ at 2:22]

911 dispatcher:

Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:


We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]


OK. [2:28]

911 dispatcher:

Alright, sir, what is your name? [2:34]


George. He ran.

911 dispatcher:

Alright, George, what’s your last name?



911 dispatcher:

What’s the phone number you’re calling from?



911 dispatcher:

Alright, George, we do have them on the way. Do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?



911 dispatcher:

Alright, where are you going to meet with them at?


Um, if they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the clubhouse and, uh, straight past the clubhouse and make a left and then go past the mailboxes you’ll see my truck. [3:10]

911 dispatcher:

Alright, what address are you parked in front of? [3:21]


Um, I don’t know. It’s a cut-through so I don’t know the address. [3:25]

911 dispatcher:

OK, do you live in the area?


Yeah, yeah, I live here.

911 dispatcher:

OK, what’s your apartment number?


It’s a home. It’s 1950 – oh, crap, I don’t want to give it out – I don’t know where this kid is [inaudible] [3:40]

911 dispatcher:

OK, do you just want to meet with them at the mailboxes then? [3:42]


Yeah, that’s fine. [3:43]

911 dispatcher:

Alright, George, I’ll let them know you’ll meet them at …


Could you have them call me and I’ll tell them where I’m at? [3:49]

911 dispatcher:

OK, that’s no problem.


My number … you’ve got it?

911 dispatcher:

Yeah, I’ve got it. 435-2400?


Yeah, you got it.

911 dispatcher:

OK, no problem. I’ll let them know to call you when they’re in the area. [4:02]



911 dispatcher:

You’re welcome.

Call ends 4:07

And this is the 911 call of the neighbor.

s^ | Kay
 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:05 pm  
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Blathering Buffoon
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Eturnalshift wrote:
Dotzilla - Your account of what happened isn't anything like what I've read. Care to share your source of this 'timeline'?

it comes from a famous book entitled, "Idiotic Pussies Who Think They're Hot Shit With Guns and How They Act"

Verily, I have often laughed at weaklings who thought themselves proud because they had no claws.
 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:54 pm  
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Feckless Fool
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Because of the reason that we don't know enough about what actually happened, we like to think the horse is still alive. Far from it, the horse has been beaten and dead for a long time now.

The only facts that matter are as clear as can be. The police told him to stop pursuing the person, there was confrontation, the person is dead. Because of Florida's insanely twisted law, it was speculated by many as justifiable self defense. It doesn't matter what sort of intent Zimmerman had, he killed somebody and deserves to be in prison.

 Post subject: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:47 pm  
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Str8 Actin Dude
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Usdk wrote:
Dispatchers aren't sworn law enforcement so you dont have to follow their orders.

EDIT: I THINK they're not. If they're not you don't have to follow.

If he had, Martin would (likely) still be alive today.

It's entirely possible things could have played out differently. They didn't. Now Zimmerman needs to answer for it.


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 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:35 am  
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Obama Zombie
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We know Zimmerman was following Martin and, based on Zimmerman's story, that Martin started running away. Shortly after Martin started running away, the dispatcher said, "Are you following him? ... We don’t need you to do that." Not exactly an order, but that's not the point. Zimmerman said that he stopped following Martin and started walking back to his truck because he couldn't find Martin, dispatch said he didn't have to follow and because the police were going to meet him at his truck.
911 dispatcher:
Alright, George, we do have them on the way. Do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?


911 dispatcher:
Alright, where are you going to meet with them at?

Um, if they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the clubhouse and, uh, straight past the clubhouse and make a left and then go past the mailboxes you’ll see my truck. [3:10]

It’s a home. It’s 1950 – oh, crap, I don’t want to give it out – I don’t know where this kid is [inaudible] [3:40]

Based on the 9-11 call, Zimmerman wasn't able to maintain view of Martin and, at some point, Martin had successfully fled the scene and he was in no danger. Zimmerman, on the other hand, said (in the police report, I believe it was) that he was returning to he vehicle to meet with the cops when Martin attacked him. Sucker-punched to the head, knocked to the ground. Zimmerman said he was mounted by Martin and was having his head slammed against the sidewalk. An eye witness said they saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, throwing punches "MMA Style." I listened to the audio of the fight last night and I wanna say the fight lasted for over 45 seconds... because that's about the point you hear the gun shot, and you figure it had to start sometime before the call was even connected to dispatch. We've all seen an MMA fight where a defenseless person lay on the ground taking fists to the face and it's very possible someone could die from it... and you can't slam someones head into the ground in an MMA fight.

Anyways, I guess if that story is true, that I don't see how Zimmerman following Martin is even relevant since Martin allegedly attacked Zimmerman after dispatch said there was no need to follow.

Tuhl, if you remove yourself from a situation (by running away, which Martin did) and later come back to that same situation and escalate the situation it to violence, how is that treated? Is that Martin defending himself from a follower or is it Zimmerman defending himself from an attack?
 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:07 am  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Aestu wrote:
I'm not ignoring it. I said:

The beautiful irony of this is that many states (e.g., Texas) have laws allowing you to shoot someone in pre-emptive self-defense (if one believes he is threatened), but not punch someone in pre-emptive self-defense.

Punching a man who made a point of harassing him is being considered here as an excuse for the harasser to commit murder.

But if the kid was an adult and pulled a gun and shot Zimmerman cold dead, he could argue, quite correctly as it has turned out (he was killed by the person in question) that he was acting within his right - but do you think anyone would believe a black man saying that?

Ironically, that same law could be used to argue that Martin had a right to shoot Zimmerman cold dead, because Martin had a right to be where he was and he had good reason to fear Zimmerman. As facts demonstrated.

So you see the problem with laws amounting to legalized vigilantism. With the most impartial interpretation, they slide into a free-for-all. Thus to be practical, such laws cannot help but be racist.

Fair enough. The law itself is flawed, I'll agree. Tuhl provided some good insight as to why the defense may not be able to hide behind the law. Nonetheless, they will try, and might succeed.

I'm curious though Aestu, you didn't respond to the "media bias" examples I posed after you challenged me to produce some. Do you agree now that there was clear evidence of media bias against Zimmerman when major news outlets were "reporting" on the story?


 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:28 am  
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Obama Zombie
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I just had another thought about this.

Everyone is dogging on Zimmerman for being some vigilante with a gun, suggesting that Zimmerman should've just let the cops handle this and that Zimmerman shouldn't have followed. If that's true, wouldn't the same be true for Martin? Did Martin call the cops and say that someone was following him? We know he was on the phone with his girlfriend and, if Zimmerman's story is true, that Martin engaged (or followed) Zimmerman...
 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:59 am  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Eturnalshift wrote:
Everyone is dogging on Zimmerman for being some vigilante with a gun, suggesting that Zimmerman should've just let the cops handle this and that Zimmerman shouldn't have followed. If that's true, wouldn't the same be true for Martin? Did Martin call the cops and say that someone was following him? We know he was on the phone with his girlfriend and, if Zimmerman's story is true, that Martin engaged (or followed) Zimmerman...

Martin didn't walk up to some random person then murder him in cold blood. Point is void.

The only reason that you make an argument so ludicrously hypocritical on so many counts (as if only white people have the right to solve their own problems through violence) is racism.

Hence my point above about how the SYG and similar laws only are practical when viewed through the lens of racism.

Azelma wrote:
I'm curious though Aestu, you didn't respond to the "media bias" examples I posed after you challenged me to produce some. Do you agree now that there was clear evidence of media bias against Zimmerman when major news outlets were "reporting" on the story?

Point conceded. The facts are what they are, however, and as Kay pointed out, good came of it that wouldn't otherwise.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:21 am  
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Obama Zombie
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"In your face" and "harassing"? I'm not sure that parallels what happened.

Trayvon Martin fled the scene and escaped George Zimmerman. Remember, George Zimmerman said he didn't know where the kid was to the 911 dispatch. The girlfriend of Trayvon, who was apparently on the phone at the time, said...

He said this man was watching him, so he put his hoodie on. He said he lost the man...I asked Trayvon to run, and he said he was going to walk fast. I told him to run but he said he was not going to run.

Trayvon said, 'What, are you following me for,' and the man said, 'What are you doing here.' Next thing I hear is somebody pushing, and somebody pushed Trayvon because the head set just fell. I called him again and he didn't answer the phone.

So, Trayvon's girlfriend said he wasn't going to run, but Zimmerman said the kid was running. Either way, he was escaping the scene... but then, the girlfriend says that Trayvon initiated contact with Zimmerman before the fight broke out. This is where I don't get it. If Trayvon escaped the scene and was out of danger, why did he go back and confront Zimmerman? Truthfully, as Tuhl pointed out, it is a public area and both people have a right to be there.

It's almost like Trayvon is the one who got in Georges face. The problem is we don't know who attacked first, right?
 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:48 am  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Eturnalshift wrote:
"In your face" and "harassing"? I'm not sure that parallels what happened.

Trayvon Martin fled the scene and escaped George Zimmerman...

....escaping the scene...

....It's almost like Trayvon is the one who got in Georges face. The problem is we don't know who attacked first, right?

Bullshit and moot. Zimmerman harassed someone then shot him.

He had no right and no basis to accost someone in public. He walked up to this kid with the intent to confront. As Xeoni pointed out, what happened, his motivation, his state of mind, are moot. He confronted a passerby who had committed no crime. That is the definition of harassment.

As I pointed out, Martin ironically would have been within his rights based on that stupid law to whip out a gun and shoot Zimmerman cold dead.

You talk about a "scene". There was no "scene". There was a guy minding his own business who had a right to be where he was, doing his own thing. "Fleeing the scene" in this context establishes that the legitimate application of the law would have been for Trayyon to "stand his ground" and kill Zimmerman on the spot.

You didn't address my question though. Are you saying that for you, personally, you have no threshold for violence when harassed in public?

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:24 pm  
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Obama Zombie
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Aestu wrote:
He had no right and no basis to accost someone in public. He walked up to this kid with the intent to confront.

We don't even know if that happened, Aestu. Zimmerman called the cops and asked that they come out and make sure things are ok. That's fine. Zimmerman is allowed to do that, you know. There is nothing (other than the girlfriends statements) that say the two of them had any conversation (and what was said wasn't initiated by Zimmerman), nor is there any evidence that suggests Zimmerman had an intent to confront (or get physical), nor is there any evidence to suggest Zimmerman was impeding on Martin's privacy.

Martin escaped the scene/area/alley/FOV of Zimmerman/apparent danger/etc. and later returned to confront Zimmerman, thus escalating the situation. If Martin would've stayed hiding and called the cops this could've ended differently. Isn't that what you're supposed to do if you're being followed, threatened or harassed?
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