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 Post subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:31 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Callysta wrote:
Someone please translate what Ethan said. I don't speak moron.

You make absolutely no sense. Monica Quan and her fiance Keith Lawrence did nothing to the suspect aside from being related to his union rep. Did he kill the people on the commission? The officer he complained about? No. He killed his representative's children because he didn't feel he did enough for him. He wanted to hurt him. They were innocent victims.

I can't understand your line of reasoning. It is too damn crazy to follow. What the hell are you talking about? Murder? The guy was fired for complaining about an officer kicking someone, not killing them.

Trying to appeal to a multitude "Someone..." creates the impression you are unable to defend your own argument so you try to white-knight it up.

Right or wrong, making appeals to sentimentality by pointing out that these people have names, or offspring, or hobbies like basketball, is not an intelligent or rational way to make your point. The implication is you watch way too much media and have picked up poor mental habits.

Saying you can't understand someone else's reasoning doesn't make you look smart or correct. Intelligent people know that they cannot write off an argument they do not understand, and those who are intelligent are able to understand the basis of wrong-headed viewpoints. By saying you cannot do that, you are, in essence, saying you are not intelligent.

Pointing out someone's goal was to "hurt" someone makes you look sheltered and self-centered. There are those in this world who have suffered at the hands of others, and it's not strange or wrong they seek justice. Again, whether this person's actions were justified or not, claiming that the desire to do harm to someone is inherently or in all situations wrong is a shoddy premise.

You obviously didn't read the entire manifesto. This guy knew these people were party to far worse crimes than an incidental kicking.

And no the victims were not "innocent". Those who would mourn evildoers are not innocent people.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:17 pm  
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Obtuse Oaf
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Aestu wrote:
Callysta wrote:
Someone please translate what Ethan said. I don't speak moron.

You make absolutely no sense. Monica Quan and her fiance Keith Lawrence did nothing to the suspect aside from being related to his union rep. Did he kill the people on the commission? The officer he complained about? No. He killed his representative's children because he didn't feel he did enough for him. He wanted to hurt him. They were innocent victims.

I can't understand your line of reasoning. It is too damn crazy to follow. What the hell are you talking about? Murder? The guy was fired for complaining about an officer kicking someone, not killing them.

Trying to appeal to a multitude "Someone..." creates the impression you are unable to defend your own argument so you try to white-knight it up.

Right or wrong, making appeals to sentimentality by pointing out that these people have names, or offspring, or hobbies like basketball, is not an intelligent or rational way to make your point. The implication is you watch way too much media and have picked up poor mental habits.

Saying you can't understand someone else's reasoning doesn't make you look smart or correct. Intelligent people know that they cannot write off an argument they do not understand, and those who are intelligent are able to understand the basis of wrong-headed viewpoints. By saying you cannot do that, you are, in essence, saying you are not intelligent.

Pointing out someone's goal was to "hurt" someone makes you look sheltered and self-centered. There are those in this world who have suffered at the hands of others, and it's not strange or wrong they seek justice. Again, whether this person's actions were justified or not, claiming that the desire to do harm to someone is inherently or in all situations wrong is a shoddy premise.

You obviously didn't read the entire manifesto. This guy knew these people were party to far worse crimes than an incidental kicking.

And no the victims were not "innocent". Those who would mourn evildoers are not innocent people.

You really are batshit insane. I wish your parents luck in getting you committed. You are seriously disturbed.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

Callysta of Reverence
 Post subject: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:10 am  
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Str8 Actin Dude
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LAPD is full of asshole cops, don't know what the fuck this guy was thinking trying to change the system from within.


Taking an extended hiatus from gaming
 Post subject: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:43 am  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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Battletard wrote:
LAPD is full of asshole cops, don't know what the fuck this guy was thinking trying to change the system from within.

He's obviously decided to instigate change in a different manner now, hasn't he?

Aestu, the jacked up part about the guy whacking the chick and her fiance is that she was the relative of someone who was his advocate, not one of the people he blames for his trouble. I kind of hope they have a hard time catching him, but on the other hand it looks like the LA Police, never known for their restraint, are going to go overboard and shoot random people until they're sure this guy's not going to pop out of a bush and eat their spleen.

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

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 Post subject: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:49 am  
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Querulous Quidnunc
Joined: Thu May 13, 2010 12:19 pm
Posts: 8116

Callysta wrote:
You really are batshit insane. I wish your parents luck in getting you committed. You are seriously disturbed.

You are obviously upset at being cut to the bone. You insult me in this way because you believe others are as insecure as you are.

Battletard wrote:
LAPD is full of asshole cops, don't know what the fuck this guy was thinking trying to change the system from within.

Thread winner. This is the ultimate proof the guy really was just batshit insane.

Jubbergun wrote:
I kind of hope they have a hard time catching him, but on the other hand it looks like the LA Police, never known for their restraint, are going to go overboard and shoot random people until they're sure this guy's not going to pop out of a bush and eat their spleen.

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), the FBI, and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. President Obama decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it.

The CIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigation they conclude that rabbits do not exist.

The FBI goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and they make no apology. The rabbit had it coming.

The LAPD goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!"

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:44 am  
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Obtuse Oaf
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Aestu wrote:
You are obviously upset at being cut to the bone. You insult me in this way because you believe others are as insecure as you are.

LMAO, no. Hahaha. I honestly think you're nuts. Not an insult. It is a statement of fact. And I don't take any stock in your comments about me. I joined MENSA when I was 6. I graduated from the university in 2 years with 3 degrees and a 4.0, what about you? I know I'm smart. Having you tell me I'm not intelligent is comical. You project your own feelings of failure on to me. My heart is filled with pity for you.

Your ability to "relate" to this man who found it suitable to murder an innocent young man and woman for their blood relation and find it logical is what I find disturbing.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

Callysta of Reverence
 Post subject: Re: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:40 am  
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Querulous Quidnunc
Joined: Thu May 13, 2010 12:19 pm
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Callysta wrote:
Not an insult. It is a statement of fact.

"Imitation is..."

Callysta wrote:
And I don't take any stock in your comments about me. I joined MENSA when I was 6.

IQ is a function of mental age divided by physical age. In theory, IQ remains constant with age, but IQ tests are less reliable at younger ages. To say that you were admitted to MENSA at the age of six does not demonstrate you were precocious, it demonstrates you don't understand what IQ is.

Assuming what you say is even true, the immediate implication to an impartial observer would be that you were admitted to MENSA based on a statistical fluke (the inherent unreliablity of IQ tests with very young persons).

I think I mentioned that about 20 years ago, my grandparents visited Sacramento. As it happened, there was a MENSA convention at the hotel they stayed at. Everyone in my entire extended family is qualified to join MENSA, but none of us have. My grandmother, who was pretty opinionated, actually made a point of walking up to a smug MENSA delegate and chewing him out about how she thought they were horrible people for thinking themselves better because of their score on a standardized test.

I actually wasn't present when that happened - was told about it by my brother who was - and I don't necessarily think her making a point of getting in his face was right, but the basic attitude is one I share. I do well on standardized tests - something I am very proud of - but I am not such a fool as to think that is a basis for self-validation.

Callysta wrote:
I graduated from the university in 2 years with 3 degrees and a 4.0, what about you? I know I'm smart. Having you tell me I'm not intelligent is comical.

And got you what?

Callysta wrote:
You project your own feelings of failure on to me. My heart is filled with pity for you.

Failure is not the end. Being content is.

Callysta wrote:
Your ability to "relate" to this man who found it suitable to murder an innocent young man and woman for their blood relation and find it logical is what I find disturbing.

Blood feuds are the rule and not the exception of human nature. There is a certain logic to it. Everyone is someone else's son or daughter or father or mother or sister or brother. If you love your family and wish to keep them from harm, you should not put them at risk by doing wrong to others' family.

Relating to people who are like you, or who aren't in exceptional circumstances, is easy. We may not like to see people who do terrible things as human, but they are.

The test of compassion, of character, is trying to understand why people we don't approve of, who do things that are strange or disturbing, do what they do. Most often they are victims in their own right, or influenced by circumstances beyond their comprehension, beyond their control.

This quote captures exactly what I find repulsive about you. Your incuriousity. Your smug arrogance about your sheltered little life, how you write off those who have not had it so easy. You pervert bigotry and lack of compassion into a virtue.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:04 am  
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Obtuse Oaf
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Location: Resisting the urge to giggle uncontrollably!

Someone is butthurt, and it isn't me. Haha. You plaster your failure all over the board (abysmal grades, mental issues, mommy and daddy paying your bills, a decade in college, social problems, etc). It is sad.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

Callysta of Reverence
 Post subject: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:13 am  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Callysta wrote:
Someone is butthurt, and it isn't me. Haha. You plaster your failure all over the board (abysmal grades, mental issues, mommy and daddy paying your bills, a decade in college, social problems, etc). It is sad.

And yet I press on.

I strive to do better, while you, who have had a careless life, with your presumed IQ and great family wealth, amounted to a divorced educational supernumerary, with no change in sight.

How does that figure?

Don't misunderstand - primary school teaching is important and honorable work. But you cannot even say you do that, you work with one kid, for a few hours a week, on a program wholly at your discretion, something a lot less stressful and difficult than controlling 30 wild kids for eight hours a day, five days a week, according to a program laid down by the admin. And if you are so intelligent and have had the fortune you do, surely you should amount to more than your current station, or at least strive to be more than you are.

It is that lack of drive, that satisfaction with having made so little of so much, that is contemptuous.

You talk about my "mental and social issues". I have the misfortune of having many very difficult people in my life. People I can't get rid of and have no control over. You, on the other hand, divorced your devoted husband for no good reason, what, because all you cared about was the dough? Or because you got ants in your pants? Or because you weren't mature enough to handle marriage? You had it all and the best you could do was deliberately break it.

You turn the bend into your 30s and cake on that disgusting powder to pretend you can hide your gaping wrinkles. I am 27 and all I can think about is that bend into the 30s - making it smoothly. I am here in Cincinnati at great difficulty and personal and financial risk because I want to prepare for life transition - something you are provided the financial and social means to escape from.

That is despicable. Turning struggle into a fault and complacency into a virtue. That arrogant belief that only bad people have problems they can't immediately solve.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:52 am  
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Obtuse Oaf
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Aestu wrote:
Callysta wrote:
Someone is butthurt, and it isn't me. Haha. You plaster your failure all over the board (abysmal grades, mental issues, mommy and daddy paying your bills, a decade in college, social problems, etc). It is sad.

And yet I press on.

I strive to do better, while you, who have had a careless life, with your presumed IQ and great family wealth, amounted to a divorced educational supernumerary, with no change in sight.

How does that figure?

Don't misunderstand - primary school teaching is important and honorable work. But you cannot even say you do that, you work with one kid, for a few hours a week, on a program wholly at your discretion, something a lot less stressful and difficult than controlling 30 wild kids for eight hours a day, five days a week, according to a program laid down by the admin. And if you are so intelligent and have had the fortune you do, surely you should amount to more than your current station, or at least strive to be more than you are.

It is that lack of drive, that satisfaction with having made so little of so much, that is contemptuous.

You talk about my "mental and social issues". I have the misfortune of having many very difficult people in my life. People I can't get rid of and have no control over. You, on the other hand, divorced your devoted husband for no good reason, what, because all you cared about was the dough? Or because you got ants in your pants? Or because you weren't mature enough to handle marriage? You had it all and the best you could do was deliberately break it.

You turn the bend into your 30s and cake on that disgusting powder to pretend you can hide your gaping wrinkles. I am 27 and all I can think about is that bend into the 30s - making it smoothly. I am here in Cincinnati at great difficulty and personal and financial risk because I want to prepare for life transition - something you are provided the financial and social means to escape from.

That is despicable. Turning struggle into a fault and complacency into a virtue. That arrogant belief that only bad people have problems they can't immediately solve.

I work in a classroom 3 days a week. 2 days a week with 32 1st graders, 1 day with 27 TKers (young kindergarten - 21 boys, 6 girls). I have 3 small children. I only work when they are in school.

I don't have any wrinkles. Haha. I'm 29, not 40. LOL. And I almost never wear makeup. It irritates my skin. Powder especially.

I never said I divorced my husband... But if I WAS getting divorced, it would be because of abuse or infidelity.

I pay my own bills. My parents stopped funding my lifestyle over 10 years ago. You should try it. It might give you credibility when you complain about others being losers.

Any more provably false statements you'd like to make about me? I'm not going to fit into your little box of what an "evil" woman I am. It is just you that I don't like, and for a very good reason. (Anyone here remember him attacking me for mentioning that my friend Elizabeth had killed herself that very morning?) I go out of my way for others and put happiness over material wealth.

Anyway, enough. Back to the topic...

They found his car in Big Bear, burned out. ID in San Diego, shooting in Riverside County and Orange County... All of that rage at LA, and none of the activity has occurred in that county.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

Callysta of Reverence
 Post subject: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:43 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
Joined: Thu May 13, 2010 12:19 pm
Posts: 8116

You say you never said you were divorced. Hmm.

I pay my own bills. My parents stopped funding my lifestyle over 10 years ago. You should try it. It might give you credibility when you complain about others being losers.

You enjoy what you do because what they did for you. No, they never stopped funding your lifestyle. Much less your ex whose fortune you stole through alimony. "Should try it." So easy? I wonder why you think that.

(Anyone here remember him attacking me for mentioning that my friend Elizabeth had killed herself that very morning?)

Every time you are cornered you call for a white knight.

But you're overstepping yourself here - "that very morning" (about four years ago now; you're nuts to talk about it as if it's yesterday) - most of us vaguely remember you were angry about some TBC pug related bullshit that I forgot the day after it happened years ago and only much later became aware you were upset.

I work in a classroom 3 days a week. 2 days a week with 32 1st graders, 1 day with 27 TKers (young kindergarten - 21 boys, 6 girls). I have 3 small children. I only work when they are in school.

Any more provably false statements you'd like to make about me?

You say you "live in a town bordering Yorba Linda, where you used to live". So you work in the Placentia-Yorba Linda-Unified School District.

http://www.standardandpoors.com/ratings ... 5186718499

Unaudited figures for fiscal 2005 estimate a $400,000 general fund drawdown. The district has not settled salary increases for fiscal 2006, but projects break-even operations for the year once those increases are finalized. The district made expenditures reductions in fiscal 2005, which included increasing class sizes, eliminating 91 positions, and increasing employee benefit contributions. Student-teacher ratios are now near the district's contractual maximums, which are 20:1 in grades K-2, 32:1 in grade 3, 36:1 in grades 4-6, and 38:1 in grades 7-12.

http://www.pylusd.k12.ca.us/businessser ... budget.pdf

Page 163 of the FY2013 PYLUSD budget (Item 14 - Less: Class Size Penalties Adjustment) shows debits to grants from not meeting statutory DOE requirements. As you can see, the debit for failing to meet this requirement is zero. Conversely, page 36 of the PLYUSD budget shows that the expenditure to meet the requirement was $3,891,019.00. Therefore, at substantial expense, PYLUSD is meeting the 20:1 requirement in all K-3 classrooms.

The budget notes indicate that PYLUSD is very determined to meet the CSR requirement (20:1 student/teacher ratio in K-3) and are actively closing programs and shunting teachers and resources around to do so (pg 12-13, 27).

I think that the truth is, you are, as you said, a H&H instructor, who was temped in for a few days to manage 20, and not 32, students. Because, as two different, and very credible sources (reports from S&P and the district itself) indicate, what you describe is impossible. And you would know that if you had spent any substantial amount of time in a real classroom.

"Provably false". LOL.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:00 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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The sexual tension is strong in this thread.

 Post subject: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:03 pm  
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Obtuse Oaf
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I do not collect alimony or child support. I do not work for Placentia. And I don't necessarily live in the district I teach in. So yes, provably false.

Can we get back to the topic? It is cute and all that you want to stalk me, but I'm not at all interested in losers.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

Callysta of Reverence
 Post subject: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:04 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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I don't believe I've ever needed an excuse to nerdrage or argue the internet cows home.

Callysta wrote:
I do not work for Placentia. And I don't necessarily live in the district I teach in.

Who said anything about you living or working in Placentia?

You're getting frustrated and making mistakes.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: Cop totally snaps
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:07 pm  
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Obtuse Oaf
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Yorba Linda is where HE used to live, as in the shooter. Reading is good for you. I do not live in Yorba Linda, and never have.

Also, Liz died 26 months ago, not 4 years.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

Callysta of Reverence
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