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 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:36 pm  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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You wouldn't be able to get the one from HALO because it's not real, but you could get a Barrett 50 CAL rifle...a gun which the state and local governments of California can no longer buy, LOL.

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

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 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:47 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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itt: gun firms being babies because they can't sell sniper rifles to civilians

I know a guy who fought in Iraq. He said that the .50 was so powerful he saw it kill people who weren't even hit through sheer concussive force.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:11 pm  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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It's a powerful gun...but it's not Incredible Hulk thunderclap powerful. It leaves big fucking holes in things, it doesn't create explosions...or shockwaves of the magnitude you're describing.

Aside from that...it's government of the people, by the people, and for the people. If the people from whom the government derives its power can't be trusted with something, then by extension neither can the government they form. It's a principled stand, and certainly beats the business-as-usual "I don't care how you're fucking the other guy so long as I make my money" shit other businesses pull that you guys spend a lot of time bitching about here.

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

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 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:17 pm  
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French Faggot
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no civilian needs a gun that can shoot through concrete walls

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 Post subject: New Toys
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:09 am  
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Str8 Actin Dude
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Yuratuhl wrote:
no civilian needs a gun that can shoot through concrete walls

Law abiding citizens need that so they can wage war on the oppressive gubbermen.


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 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:28 am  
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MegaFaggot 5000
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Yuratuhl wrote:
no civilian needs a gun that can shoot through concrete walls

I watched a thing about snipers in Iraq/Afghanistan and they did a test of a .50 with a pig's heart in a foot's worth of ballistic gel. The bullet made the heart explode.

If you need to compensate with a handgun or rifle for personal protection and/or like to go hunting, that's fine. You don't need guns that can kill swaths of people without reloading, armor-piercing bullets, or military-grade explosives.

If the gubbmint actually decided to play out whatever twisted fantasies you pine for so you can shoot brown people in the streets, that .50 cal isn't going to save you from the multi-million dollar predator drone nor the missile zooming directly at your bad haircut.

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 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:43 am  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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but I need a Davy Crockett for self-defense, hunting and hobby purposes

...there should be a paintball Davy Crockett...

In all seriousness though, "every man should be equal to the government" is bogus. We don't trust individuals to own nukes, print money, run their own postal service, conduct private wars or arbitrate torts. All government is based on monopoly on use of force, as well as a good many other things. That is why government exists.

You should really read The Federalist Papers. I'm halfway through. Good read.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:50 am  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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I don't think civilians should be allowed to have explosives for the simple fact that one mistake can ruin everyone's day.

A gun at least requires intentions to use.

 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:08 pm  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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"No civilian needs a gun that can shoot through concrete walls," but you're going to trust such a thing in the hands of people like the LAPD?

The only people shooting "brown people," Mayo, are agents of the government you and Brawlsy seem to think isn't corrupt and oppressive...oh, I'm sorry, they were "yellow people" and a surfer (so far--give it time). I guess it's OK if they're "compensating" by putting dozens of bullets into a car willy-nilly, but anyone else who does it is a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe because they don't follow the same programming you've had installed.

Though I suppose I shouldn't expect rational thinking from the sort of people that jump immediately to the reductio ad absurdum of guns=nuclear devices.

If guns put that much sand in your vaginas, that's your problem. No one is going to make you touch one. There are already many people who own 50 cal guns in the US, and as a collective they've done far less damage over the course of years than the LAPD has done with small handguns in the course of a few days. Stop expecting the rest of us to live by the limitations your fears impose upon you.

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

World Renowned Mexican Forklift Artiste
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:07 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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You're strawmanning. Just because we think civilians shouldn't have military-grade weapons doesn't mean we think it's okay civilian police forces have them either. The entire mania with giving civilian police forces powerful weapons grew out of the paranoia and pork barrel of post-9/11.

I firmly believe police forces in this country should be demilitarized - there should be a federal mandate requiring them to wear blue not black, banning opaque visors and other paramilitary accessories, and requiring them to adopt civilian titles instead of military titles. And yes those kinds of seemingly superficial changes would be enough to begin rocking their culture. I would also require municipal governments to assign block-by-block democratically elected citizen councils with executive power over the patrols on their block.

I would strip individual cops of their immunity to civil suits and make it easier to have their bond revoked, by empowering low-level civil courts and citizen councils to do so. I would still have the department provide representation for civil suits against officers, but I would also require them to provide representation for the plaintiff, and provide a fixed rubric for pay grade advancement for legal counsel attached to IA departments, based on sheer W/L ratio.

I would ban tasers, pepper spray, and nightsticks, and require all officers to have extensive martial arts training. That doesn't mean cops have to be Batman - but they should be well enough trained to be able to physically overcome common criminals they outnumber and out-organize anyway. Realistically, tasers, pepper spray and nightsticks are just sadistic toys with little practical use; cops did their jobs at least as well before they were invented, and if you can't take down a thug with a charge, you aren't physically fit or well-trained enough to be trusted with a weapon. I would probably encourage the use of beanbag guns, and punish cops that use them too often by revocation of bond. (Notice I said nothing about taking away cops' guns).

Ultimately, the reason the LAPD isn't being brought to justice is poverty. Control of the political system goes to those with the money to organize, have lobbyists and lawyers on retainer, and entire armies of PR specialists who are paid out of the pockets of the rich to spend their days doing nothing but keeping the status quo going. Also the poor quality of mass transit in this country - if you want to travel around to organize people, you have to do it on your time, by the gallon.

Awarding advertising space and time and campaign expenses based on a quorum would allow the common people to mobilize and unite behind a candidate that represents their interests. More mass transit would allow the degree of personal mobility necessary for effective political organization.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:23 pm  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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Aestu wrote:
You're strawmanning. Just because we think civilians shouldn't have military-grade weapons doesn't mean we think it's okay civilian police forces have them either. The entire mania with giving civilian police forces powerful weapons grew out of the paranoia and pork barrel of post-9/11.

SWAT teams have been around since at least the 80s, use paramilitary hardware, and if I remember correctly originated in...wait for it...Los Angeles under Police Commissioner Daryl Gates. The police having military weapons has about as much to do with 9-11 as bacon has to do with a vegan diet.

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

World Renowned Mexican Forklift Artiste
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:38 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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SWAT is what it is. In urban areas, it fills a necessary role. There's not a problem with that. And even they don't need .50 rifles. It's not SWAT teams committing the murders, it's rank-and-file.

Has this militarization trend been going on for a while? Yes, but after 9-11 it reached new highs - there were massive disbursements to police forces around the country to massively arm up.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/1 ... 55508.html

Just because some people own .50 rifles and don't run amok with them doesn't mean that they should be legal or that they have a legitimate reason to own them. .50 rifles should be illegal for the same reason slavery should be illegal, which is that it is morally wrong that any one man have that kind of power in a civil society.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:01 pm  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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Aestu wrote:
Just because some people own .50 rifles and don't run amok with them doesn't mean that they should be legal or that they have a legitimate reason to own them.

The idea that these guns are "too dangerous" is the premise of your argument that no one should own them. If people already own them, and have for some time, without having caused any "danger," your argument falls flat on its face. Your appeal to emotion here only boils down to "I don't think it's OK therefore it should be illegal."

Aestu wrote:
.50 rifles should be illegal for the same reason slavery should be illegal, which is that it is morally wrong that any one man have that kind of power in a civil society.

I thought slavery was wrong because depriving people of their liberty without due process and forcing them to toil without compensation was immoral and unethical. TIL, I guess. At least Mayo's not the only one pulling the race card now.

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

World Renowned Mexican Forklift Artiste
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:29 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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A .50 is dangerous. To argue the contrary demonstrates how far from reality your entire argument is.

Do we say nukes aren't dangerous because more people have been killed in the last 70 years by conventional weapons? Should chemical weapons be legal because sarin gas attacks have killed fewer people than handguns?

Jubbergun wrote:
Aestu wrote:
.50 rifles should be illegal for the same reason slavery should be illegal, which is that it is morally wrong that any one man have that kind of power in a civil society.

I thought slavery was wrong because depriving people of their liberty without due process and forcing them to toil without compensation was immoral and unethical. TIL, I guess. At least Mayo's not the only one pulling the race card now.

It's not a racial issue. Slavery became illegal in most countries centuries before race became an issue for just this reason. "Depriving people of their liberty without due process" and "forcing them to toil without compensation" is unchecked power. The same as depriving a man of his life by means of a bullet.

The power to take men's life and liberty is denied to the common citizen and monopolized by the state by reason of the democratic mandate.

No individual citizen has the right to hold another in bondage than he does to take another's life. And without the right to act, he is not entitled to the power thereof, either.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: New Toys
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:38 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Gun control and slavery have nothing to do with each other.

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