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 Post subject: Re: @Nerds near Chicago
PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:06 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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I don't see how you can call your parents lazy for paying for your living expenses so you wouldn't have to work for a living.

 Post subject: Re: @Nerds near Chicago
PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:20 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
Joined: Thu May 13, 2010 12:19 pm
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Usdk wrote:
I don't see how you can call your parents lazy for paying for your living expenses so you wouldn't have to work for a living.

You live in a house that was left to you by your mom. You have never had to pay a rent check in your life.
Are you one to talk? Can you say that you have somehow given something to the world that counterbalances your good fortune?

Growing up in Sacramento, my family lived right down the street from the Raley family, owners of the eponymous statewide supermarket chain. If I were their son and heir to the business and made my way sitting on the business, would you say I'm not "working for a living"?

To answer your question directly - my parents pay my living expenses because they are too lazy to do anything else. They don't value money (I treat their money with a great deal more respect than they do their own) and they frequently try to resolve life problems by throwing huge amounts of cash at them. They have always sought to spend copious amounts of money to get out of parenting, by hiring shrinks or sending me to far-flung parts of the country. They have introduced a great deal of chaos to my life and gotten me fired from two jobs. They destroyed a huge pile of possessions and commodities worth several thousand dollars that I had bought with paychecks and left behind in Sacramento and lied about it for over two years.

And it's not just me. This is an incredibly destructive and maladaptive attitude they take to every aspect of their lives. My father didn't like how it was at two enviable state government jobs he had, so wasted a six-digit figure suing two different state governments rather than deal with the situation constructively and got himself fired from both in the process. My father thinks that the most expensive option is always the best and predicates every purchase and all that he does on this basis. They have no sense of economy. My mom burns through a set of brake pads every nine months rather than learn to drive a car properly. When money was an issue, they took two three-day trips to Europe rather than one one-week trip because my father didn't want to stay away from home for more than three days at a time for fear the cat would get lonely. I shit you not. If you provide them the choice between spending money and going to a bit of inconvenience or economy or taking a thoughtful approach to problems, they will always choose the former.

Yes, their choice to string me along is the product of laziness. I freely admit it is the same basic attitude that makes me prefer a live-in to dating.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: @Nerds near Chicago
PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:12 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Yeah, right. I don't have any bills to pay. The last 3 1/2 years of heating/cooling, water, property taxes, insurance, electricity, food, gas, repairs, replacement appliances and everything else NORMAL people have to pay were all given to me for free because a family member died. Is that what you think happened? I don't consider gaining less than I've lost to be "good fortune," but since you have no respect for human life or any attachments to anyone anywhere I don't expect you to understand my stance on that.

I work two, sometimes three jobs when I can get the hours so that I can afford what I need to pay for. I wish this house wasn't dropped on me because it's more trouble than its worth.

Its strange that you hated on Eturnal for working for the government, cashing his "welfare" checks as you called him. At least he worked for the money you think he didn't deserve. What do you do? Bitch and moan and browbeat people who are different from you.

You're a waste.

 Post subject: Re: @Nerds near Chicago
PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:26 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
Joined: Thu May 13, 2010 12:19 pm
Posts: 8116

Usdk wrote:
Yeah, right. I don't have any bills to pay. The last 3 1/2 years of heating/cooling, water, property taxes, insurance, electricity, food, gas, repairs, replacement appliances and everything else NORMAL people have to pay were all given to me for free because a family member died. Is that what you think happened? I don't consider gaining less than I've lost to be "good fortune," but since you have no respect for human life or any attachments to anyone anywhere I don't expect you to understand my stance on that.

Rent is TWO THIRDS my expenses.

Usdk wrote:
I work two, sometimes three jobs when I can get the hours so that I can afford what I need to pay for.

You earn TWO TO THREE TIMES more money than you would if you didn't get a free ride on housing from your parents.

Usdk wrote:
I wish this house wasn't dropped on me because it's more trouble than its worth.

One of my goals here in Cincinnati is to find a foreclosed fixer-upper. You take for granted what I will likely have to work well into my thirties to accomplish.

Usdk wrote:
Its strange that you hated on Eturnal for working for the government, cashing his "welfare" checks as you called him. At least he worked for the money you think he didn't deserve.

Eturnal got his education for free by getting the government to pay for it, trying to swindle taxpayers by having his dad write all kinds of outrageous conditions into his contract with the National Guard, then deserting rather than take the cushiest of foreign assignments - to Egypt instead of Iraq.

Now he gets paid a six-digit figure to do basically nothing, because his entire family also have a free ride in the world of contracting and refer each other. And a six digit income, for all but free, wasn't enough because he's deeper in debt as a percentage of income than the US government. And now he spends his weekends blowing thousands of dollars on hanggliding rather than paying down that massive debt.

If you get money for free from the government, I call it welfare. Eturnal got millions of dollars from the government in education, perks and pay for absolutely no useful service in return. What part of that is "working" for anything?

Usdk wrote:
What do you do? Bitch and moan and browbeat people who are different from you.

So says the guy talking down people on welfare and someone who is struggling with the outrageous burden that is urban rent and employment. You bitch about how hard you work to "afford things". You say it is so hard when you have TWO TO THREE TIMES the resources you'd have on a monthly basis if you didn't have that house.

Who is really browbeating "people who are different" here?

I am lucky and I know I'm lucky. That doesn't mean I want for nothing and it certainly doesn't mean that I don't want to better myself. And yes that does make me better than people who are also lucky but refuse to acknowledge their luck.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: @Nerds near Chicago
PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:08 pm  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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Aestu wrote:
Rent is TWO THIRDS my expenses. This is not unusual amongst city dwellers.

Protip: Get the fuck out of the city. I have to drive about an hour to work, but even if I took the money I used for gas and upkeep on the car and applied it to housing, I'd have a much lower standard-of-living if I lived where I worked...and I'd still have to own the car.

Aestu wrote:
Eturnal got his education for free by getting the government to pay for it, trying to swindle taxpayers by having his dad write all kinds of outrageous conditions into his contract with the National Guard, then deserting rather than take the cushiest of foreign assignments - to Egypt instead of Iraq.

You know, I'm pretty sure he explained that situation at least six times here on these boards, and you still get it wrong. "The Gummint" didn't want to uphold their end of a contract its agents willingly signed (and education benefits as part of a military enlistment contract are not uncommon, and as such do not represent any sort of "outrageous condition") so "The Gummint" let him out of his end of the contract so they wouldn't have to fulfill their obligations. "The Gummint" never paid for his education at all, which was the point of the story. Letting "The Gummint" tell you to bugger off and forget the whole thing is hardly "deserting."

Aestu wrote:
If you get money for free from the government, I call it welfare. Eturnal got millions of dollars from the government in education, perks and pay for absolutely no useful service in return. What part of that is "working" for anything?

As already stated, Eternal never got his "Obama Money" for education, so that's a moot point. I think it's the height of ridiculousness to attempt to compare yourself to Eternal to try to smooth over your feelings about your own worth by saying he provides "no useful service" when you have almost no clue what he actually did/does. You can't make judgment values based on information to which you've no access. Even if he is, like too many federal employees (and he wasn't, to the best of my knowledge, a government employee, he worked for a private company), a waste of space and a paycheck, getting your ass out of bed in the morning and heading to a pretend job to do make-work bullshit is still more respectable than being some moocher than sponges off his parents even while bad-mouthing them for being terrible people and not letting him mooch more or in a way more to his liking.

Aestu wrote:
I am lucky and I know I'm lucky. That doesn't mean I want for nothing and it certainly doesn't mean that I don't want to better myself. And yes that does make me better than people who are also lucky but refuse to acknowledge their luck.

Someone's mother dying isn't "luck," at least not the good kind. I doubt being stuck with an asset that you'd be hard-pressed to liquidate, that you're forced to use-or-lose, and comes with all sorts of memories and emotional ties is as wonderful as you'd like to think.

You use your family, who you openly disdain, to gain an economic advantage, but think Eternal--who unlike you is at least putting in some of his own effort--is a loser for taking advantage of the opportunities his familial relationships can provide. It's not that you don't appreciate your "luck," it's that you do nothing with it other than exist and spread delusional hate and discontent.

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

World Renowned Mexican Forklift Artiste
 Post subject: Re: @Nerds near Chicago
PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:47 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
Joined: Thu May 13, 2010 12:19 pm
Posts: 8116

Jubbergun wrote:
Protip: Get the fuck out of the city.

One hour drive each way into or out of Boston (or Cincinnati) covers a distance of about 30 aerial miles, probably much less. In and out is a gallon or two of gas each way. Three gallons of gas is $12. Twenty days a month, that's $240. More if you include the greater need to drive for non-work related reasons and even more if you include the cost of a car.

Cars are a shitty buy period. This is also why I am a firm believer in mass transit as a social equalizer. When a man can go wherever he pleases and has twice as much disposable income, he's in a lot stronger position. When everyone can, you have a truly free, democratic and prosperous nation.

Me personally, yeah, that wouldn't solve my problem, it would only compound it. Being a supercommuter only makes financial sense if you are a Bay Area professional pulling down a six digit figure. Otherwise, urban mass transit is a much better buy.

Jubbergun wrote:
You know, I'm pretty sure he explained that situation at least six times here on these boards, and you still get it wrong. "The Gummint" didn't want to uphold their end of a contract its agents willingly signed (and education benefits as part of a military enlistment contract are not uncommon, and as such do not represent any sort of "outrageous condition") so "The Gummint" let him out of his end of the contract so they wouldn't have to fulfill their obligations. "The Gummint" never paid for his education at all, which was the point of the story. Letting "The Gummint" tell you to bugger off and forget the whole thing is hardly "deserting."

His explanation is bullshit.

First off, enlistment is typically done by a staff sergeant - a non-com. Non-commissioned personnel do not have legal authority to represent the government. That is the difference between being commissioned and not being commissioned. That staff sergeant could sign a piece of paper saying the government owes him a million bucks and it wouldn't mean beans.

Even if it was not a non-com but a commissioned officer who signed off on that garbage, it still wouldn't matter, because it's illegal to make claim on an illegal contract (i.e., racketeering). If the terms of the contract can't be reconciled with outstanding laws and regulations on compensation then the extraordinary elements are void - but the remainder remains in force.

And come on. It's the fucking National Guard. Expecting extraordinary rewards for the easiest government job there is outrageous and contemptible. The government never owed him shit because he did shit.

If a crazy guy walks into the Social Security office, says his welfare check isn't enough and hectors the employee until he says, "fine, we'll send you another, go away", then complains because it doesn't arrive in the mail, what would you say to that? What, one welfare check isn't enough?

Your attitude boils down to all the entitlement of welfare - except because it involves funny costumes and silly walks it is now okay!

Jubbergun wrote:
Even if he is, like too many federal employees (and he wasn't, to the best of my knowledge, a government employee, he worked for a private company), a waste of space and a paycheck, getting your ass out of bed in the morning and heading to a pretend job to do make-work bullshit is still more respectable than being some moocher than sponges off his parents even while bad-mouthing them for being terrible people and not letting him mooch more or in a way more to his liking.

There are three kinds of people in this world: Competitors, customers, and employees. Competitors are to be crushed ruthlessly, customers indulged, and employees strictly supervised.

Independent contractors are a myth. They want to be paid better than employees, but treated like customers. Never trust one who calls himself by that title.

Eturnal was...a defense contractor. You want to talk about the absolute worst combination of business and government, that's it. You want to say he has a "make-work" job, fine, so do I, reading books, playing video games, arguing on the internet and doing whatever else I please with my time. Many of which Eturnal did while working at his "job".

Jubbergun wrote:
Someone's mother dying isn't "luck," at least not the good kind.

You're right, it's not luck. It's an inevitability. A major financial gain with that inevitability is certainly quite a bit of luck.

Jubbergun wrote:
I doubt being stuck with an asset that you'd be hard-pressed to liquidate, that you're forced to use-or-lose, and comes with all sorts of memories and emotional ties is as wonderful as you'd like to think.

Um. Yes it is. It's better than nothing. In this case a LOT better. $1000 a month better.

Jubbergun wrote:
You use your family, who you openly disdain, to gain an economic advantage, but think Eternal--who unlike you is at least putting in some of his own effort--is a loser for taking advantage of the opportunities his familial relationships can provide. It's not that you don't appreciate your "luck," it's that you do nothing with it other than exist and spread delusional hate and discontent.

Bullshit. If Eturnal "made effort" he wouldn't be out living it up at gross expense while his house sinks deeper into the debt swamp. He would make sacrifices to correct dangerous problems he has the means to solve but chooses not to.

I'll say it again. I could be back in Boston, with a lot less stress, a lot less personal debt, and I wouldn't be sleeping on the floor because I couldn't bring the cot along. He has family connections resulting in conveyance of dollars, fine, so do I. Mine are less reliable and less profitable, and I'm willing to do what I must to maximize the yield.

Aestu of Bleeding Hollow...

Nihilism is a copout.
 Post subject: Re: @Nerds near Chicago
PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:04 pm  
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MegaFaggot 5000
Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:39 pm
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Location: Cinci, OH

Alright, thread over.

Watching Aestu try to defend being a gigantic fucking mooch with bringing up wage slavery was the tipping point.

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