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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 12:43 pm  
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Falcon PUNCH! Faggot
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Azelma wrote:
I mean Jubber, you do realize that all the GOP did was strengthen the Democrats (and Obama's) position right? Everyone knew it wasn't going to work, but Boner (that's his name right? ;) ) and his buddies thought they could win by holding a gun to the head of the government and, to a certain extent, world.

And for what...because of Obamacare? Really?

The debt ceiling...budget negotiations...that's a big deal. Obamacare? No, the GOP just doesn't want healthcare paying for birth control for sluts or whatever. It's beyond asinine.

The Republican party is so fractured it's ridiculous. Instead of throwing temper tantrums and trying to negotiate on things that have already been negotiated on (again: the Obamacare bill itself was bastardized repeatedly before it ever was voted in), they want to defund the whole thing and shut the government down with fiscal crisis looming.

In any case, the dems want to just keep kicking the can down the street, and the republicans want to hurl us into the sun. Either option is idiotic.

Jubbergun wrote:
The "default" scenario never would have played out even with no raise in the debt ceiling. The treasury takes in enough money every month to cover the service on the debt and then some. There would have been a lot more political theater like the spending money to barricade open-air parks in the form of such things as threatening not to send out Social Security checks, but there would have been no default.


I heard this same thing though I don't have a source. Not that it matters.

 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:41 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Jubbergun wrote:
It's like you're sticking a gun in someone's face and demanding they stick a dildo in their ass, then getting pissed off when they don't smile while they do it.

I love you.

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 4:50 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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They always smile when I make them do it.

 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:02 pm  
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MegaFaggot 5000
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Necrachilles wrote:
I heard this same thing though I don't have a source. Not that it matters.

He's talking about that we can pay off our interest on our debt, which is only a fraction of the debt ceiling. While true, its an amazingly toxic talking point brought up by the Limbaugh crowd. If we didn't raise the debt ceiling and chose to pay off the interests on our debts, we'd see a massive hemorrhaging of government spending and services since there would be almost zero money for anything after paying said interest. Imagine something that would make the shutdown look like a minuscule budget cut. Payments from projects like Social Security, SNAP, and Unemployment would either be drastically cut or stop sending out money if this period. If said programs get cut for a month or two, we'd start hearing stories about old people choosing between living homeless or dying while choosing housing over medicine and food riots would probably become normal occurrences in places with high poverty. The economies of entire areas like NoVa, which depend heavily on the government through direct jobs or contracts, would collapse and after the shutdown, we'd probably have scientists fleeing the country in droves, never to return.

Or, you know, the endgame of libertarianism: a government so small you could "drown in a bathtub".

EDIT: Its always awfully ironic that the political party that's supposed to be the super-patriotic one is trying their best to destroy their government. Also, congratulations on doing more damage to the country via this shutout that Al Qaeda has ever done. You're literally worse than terrorists!

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:04 am  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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Azelma wrote:
I mean Jubber, you do realize that all the GOP did was strengthen the Democrats (and Obama's) position right? Everyone knew it wasn't going to work, but Boner (that's his name right? ;) ) and his buddies thought they could win by holding a gun to the head of the government and, to a certain extent, world.

And for what...because of Obamacare? Really?

Yes, really, the ACA is going to seriously fuckerize people if it hasn't already. There were a lot of people that wanted to sit this out and forget about it until republicans won some more elections. They figured if it was a fucking train wreck, that would be good for them and/or the republican party. So why bother trying to fight it when it would be to your advantage to just let the shit hit the fan? It's because the ACA is going to do real harm to people, despite the fact that it's supposed to help people.

Azelma wrote:
The debt ceiling...budget negotiations...that's a big deal.

Yeah, they're a big deal, just not a big enough deal to encourage senate democrats to pass a budget, probably so that we can have a "crisis" every few months and they can do their sky-is-falling bullshit.

Azelma wrote:
Obamacare? No, the GOP just doesn't want healthcare paying for birth control for sluts or whatever. It's beyond asinine.

The "birth control for sluts" isn't even the biggest problem with the law, and most healthcare coverage paid for it before the ACA (unless you worked for a religious group of some type). What's beyond asinine is that every time republicans do something some of you don't like, you throw the scarecrow up in the cornfield and complain about the most fringe arguments you can find while ignoring the arguments that are actually relevant.

Azelma wrote:
The Republican party is so fractured it's ridiculous. Instead of throwing temper tantrums and trying to negotiate on things that have already been negotiated on (again: the Obamacare bill itself was bastardized repeatedly before it ever was voted in), they want to defund the whole thing and shut the government down with fiscal crisis looming.

I keep hearing this "fractured party" bullshit, and it's garbage. The party isn't fractured, and the "Tea Party" isn't a fringe group within the party...it's practically the entire party. A study released this month by a group formed by James Carville found that the bulk of the Republican base is made up of Evangelical Christians and libertarian leaning Tea Partiers while moderate centrists make up only a small minority within the party. If there's anyone in the party that needs to go, it's guys like McCain and McConnell that are always playing to the press instead of representing the party or, more importantly, the people that turned out to vote for them. I think the old Reagan-era phrase was "even a bad republican in office is better than a democrat," but after the last few weeks that hasn't proven to be true.

Azelma wrote:

I should do the ol' LMGTFY, but instead:

http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterferrar ... l-default/

http://reason.com/blog/2013/10/16/raisi ... -has-nothi

http://www.nationalreview.com/feed/3607 ... -pollowitz

Mns wrote:
He's talking about that we can pay off our interest on our debt, which is only a fraction of the debt ceiling. While true, its an amazingly toxic talking point brought up by the Limbaugh crowd. If we didn't raise the debt ceiling and chose to pay off the interests on our debts, we'd see a massive hemorrhaging of government spending and services since there would be almost zero money for anything after paying said interest. Imagine something that would make the shutdown look like a minuscule budget cut. Payments from projects like Social Security, SNAP, and Unemployment would either be drastically cut or stop sending out money if this period. If said programs get cut for a month or two, we'd start hearing stories about old people choosing between living homeless or dying while choosing housing over medicine and food riots would probably become normal occurrences in places with high poverty. The economies of entire areas like NoVa, which depend heavily on the government through direct jobs or contracts, would collapse and after the shutdown, we'd probably have scientists fleeing the country in droves, never to return.

Some of those things would have to happen, no argument from me on that, but if you think anyone, democrat or republican would fuck with the most reliable voting blocks Social Security checks, you're out of your mind. Less than 20% of the government was down for this so-called 'shutdown,' and the world didn't end, and it wouldn't if the government stopped borrowing money and lived within its means because congress didn't give itself a bigger credit line.

Mns wrote:
Or, you know, the endgame of libertarianism: a government so small you could "drown in a bathtub".

I'll settle for the bathtub, or even a wading pool, but I'd prefer if we could drown it in a bucket. Government is a necessary evil. Someone or something has to play referee in disputes, protect the country and its citizens, build roads and bridges, print money, and otherwise keep the peace. That someone or something doesn't need to be a sprawling, nearly unaccountable mess with its dirty fingers in every pie.

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:28 am  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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I don't see what's toxic about at least making an effort to pay of some of the TRILLIONS of dollars of debt we currently owe.

Obviously not all at once but I mean c'mon. Make an effort.

 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:20 am  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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I'll just leave this here:

http://www.businessinsider.com/things-l ... wn-2013-10

It only took 16 days, but the government shutdown managed to sap $24 billion out of the economy, according to S&P.


 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:08 am  
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MegaFaggot 5000
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Azelma wrote:
I'll just leave this here:

http://www.businessinsider.com/things-l ... wn-2013-10

It only took 16 days, but the government shutdown managed to sap $24 billion out of the economy, according to S&P.

I read something that all of the debt ceiling hijinks, spending cuts, and the government shutdown has cost us $700 billion since 2010. I need to find a citation for that, though.

Usdk wrote:
I don't see what's toxic about at least making an effort to pay of some of the TRILLIONS of dollars of debt we currently owe.

Obviously not all at once but I mean c'mon. Make an effort.

Debt isn't that bad of a thing, especially when our debt is bought up by people and is seen as one of the safest investments in the world. Its a good idea to pay it off, but not at the expense of social programs. Also, lets not forget that Republicans aren't a fan of reducing government, they're fans of reducing parts of government that they dont like (ex. the laughable Ryan budget has massive cuts in SNAP and social programs with a $500b increase in defense spending).

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:03 pm  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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Mns wrote:
Also, lets not forget that Republicans aren't a fan of reducing government, they're fans of reducing parts of government that they dont like (ex. the laughable Ryan budget has massive cuts in SNAP and social programs with a $500b increase in defense spending).

I could make the argument that charity isn't the proper role of government, but that its major obligation is to provide for the common defense. I'm not going to say that, because I also think we spend too much money on the military. You're not wrong about republicans failing to reduce spending, especially after watching what they did when President Bush was in office. That's why a lot of people in the party believe we need to stop electing moderates, like President Bush or Governor Romney or Senator McCain (why do we keep nominating people the base doesn't want?), and start holding current office-holder's feet to the fire.

Republicans aren't doing very well developing candidates. The guy running for governor here in VA should be able to squash the democrat nominee, Terry McAuliffe, because he's just a terrible human being, yet somehow we've managed to nominate someone equally repulsive. Sadly, no one will vote for a third-party candidate because they don't want the "wrong" scumbag to win. In the current climate, you could literally run Hitler against Stalin and they'd both get nearly half the vote, depending on the state you live in.

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:46 pm  
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French Faggot
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The reason Republican candidates tend to be "moderates" (that you consider Bush a moderate is fucking funny, by the way) is because the party leadership recognizes that a radical conservative will pull maybe 20% in an election.

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:11 pm  
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Falcon PUNCH! Faggot
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90% sure this belongs in this thread.

Scratch that. 99% sure.

 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:49 pm  
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MegaFaggot 5000
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Jubbergun wrote:
That's why a lot of people in the party believe we need to stop electing moderates,

"Conservatism cannot fail, it can only be failed."

There really should be an ability to opt out of Social Security when you're older. That way your shit-brained backwards ideals can kill you and only you.

Yuratuhl wrote:
The reason Republican candidates tend to be "moderates" (that you consider Bush a moderate is fucking funny, by the way) is because the party leadership recognizes that a radical conservative will pull maybe 20% in an election.

Conservatives just need to attack minorities and rape victims more so they wake up the "Silent Majority". One of the reasons why we're seeing the Republican party start to eat itself is because everyone started drinking the Limbaugh Kool Aid as opposed to just selling it to poor racists and paranoid seniors.


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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:13 am  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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Why bother opting out of something that isn't going to exist when you hit retirement age?

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:26 am  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:08 am  
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MegaFaggot 5000
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Meowth wrote:
To keep that $25 per paycheck

That isn't how social security works. The money leaving your check is currently paying for the people that are receiving SS now.

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