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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:47 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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As I understood it, if you opted out you wouldn't be paying in still.

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:36 pm  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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Mns wrote:
That isn't how social security works. The money leaving your check is currently paying for the people that are receiving SS now.

...and you don't see the problem with that? Have you read so many "retarded things stupid republicans say" that your brain has become damaged by exposure to stupid?

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:46 am  
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MegaFaggot 5000
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Jubbergun wrote:
Mns wrote:
That isn't how social security works. The money leaving your check is currently paying for the people that are receiving SS now.

...and you don't see the problem with that? Have you read so many "retarded things stupid republicans say" that your brain has become damaged by exposure to stupid?

Your Pal,

What, you mean a social contract where the young pay for the old now and then when they're old, they're paid for by their children? A social contract that lives in every human society in one form or another? A safety net for seniors who are old, frail, and usually have multiple (expensive) ailments that would die broke and alone without it? No, I don't see any problem with this system. A family shouldn't have to choose between letting a loved one wither and die and being financially solvent. Socialist ideas like social security and universal healthcare help families cope with devastating problems that people can't (or are unable to) plan for. Capitalist answers to this are hoping that someone with money will pay for exorbitant expenses (especially since the demand for healthcare is inelastic), plundering the wealth of lower classes for quarterly dividends, and fuck you if you can't afford to live.

If you really want, you can go Galt and eventually die penniless. I'm fine with the socialist hellhole of everyone pitching in to help those who need it with the expectation that people will help me when I need it. Or, you know, basic human courtesy and society.

There's no reason that we can't give EVERYONE SNAP benefits and have the government give everyone a stipend for rent and other cost of life expenses. The economic boost itself would more than pay for itself. A dollar invested in foodstamps yields ~1.70 in the economy, whereas corporate tax cuts yield about 30 cents. You tell me which one is the better investment. Imagine the stability and extra spending power you'd have if you didn't have any food expenses and your rent/mortgage payments cut in half.

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:14 pm  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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Mns wrote:
What, you mean a social contract where the young pay for the old now and then when they're old, they're paid for by their children? A social contract that lives in every human society in one form or another? A safety net for seniors who are old, frail, and usually have multiple (expensive) ailments that would die broke and alone without it? No, I don't see any problem with this system.

You can't conflate naturally evolved cultures wherein older relatives live with their children and grandchildren with Social Security. In the former model, you're looking at a younger populace voluntarily caring for an older populace in whom they have a vested (familial) interest. In the other, you're looking at a younger populace being forced to subsidize an older populace of strangers. Social Security isn't just far removed from moving mom and/or dad into the house during their old age, it's one of the reasons we no longer do so in this country.

Your contention also ignores the reality of shrinking birth rates. When Social Security started, there were 8 workers paying in for every senior collecting benefits. This was during a period when the total fertility rate was such that population was either sustained or growing. Unfortunately, like most other industrialized nations, we've reached (or are nearing) sub-replacement fertility. A system that relies on an expanding pool of payers in the manner that Social Security does cannot function when the pool of payers shrinks while the pool of beneficiaries grows.

Mns wrote:
A family shouldn't have to choose between letting a loved one wither and die and being financially solvent. Socialist ideas like social security and universal healthcare help families cope with devastating problems that people can't (or are unable to) plan for.

This is such a modern, first world attitude...kind of like a president who "shouldn't" have to negotiate. I know this is another "you're a big meanie and you want old people to die" spiel, and it's cute, but it's indicative of a degree of incredibly shallow thinking. The problem is that "withering and dying" isn't a choice, it's an inevitability. That entails choices that aren't entirely financial in nature, but doesn't erase the financial realities involved. Do you keep your grandfather alive and suffering on some machine with an expensive cocktail of drugs or do you make him as comfortable as possible while he dies naturally? One is more expensive and undesirable, the other is less costly and more dignified. That's not always going to be the choice, but regardless of whether people "shouldn't" have to or not, balancing quality and length of life with the costs involved is a reality even if you pass the choices to be made off to a bureaucrat.

Mns wrote:
Capitalist answers to this are hoping that someone with money will pay for exorbitant expenses (especially since the demand for healthcare is inelastic),

Possibly the most hilarious and pessimistic explanation of charity I've ever heard.

Mns wrote:
plundering the wealth of lower classes for quarterly dividends,

The thing about the "making your money on the backs of the poor" argument is that it ignores the fact that you can't steal from people who don't have anything.

Mns wrote:
and fuck you if you can't afford to live.

Yes, yes..."fuck you, got mine," it's like a mantra for you and Fanta (though I think Fanta does it to be funny more than anything else). It's quite the ridiculous line to trot out in a conversation where you're telling some of us we're greedy for wanting to keep what we've worked for but the people who want to take what belongs to us aren't. By your thinking, you're only greedy for wanting to keep your own money, but your a paragon of virtue for insisting on spending someone else's.

Mns wrote:
If you really want, you can go Galt and eventually die penniless.

That's not a very good metaphor when you consider that Galt didn't die in Atlas Shrugged, and lived rather comfortably in a hidden utopia of his own making. Then again, considering that you think taking and spending other people's earnings is more noble and less greedy than someone keeping the fruits of their own labor, and looking at your outlook regarding charity, it's not surprising that you fail at metaphor.

Mns wrote:
I'm fine with the socialist hellhole of everyone pitching in to help those who need it with the expectation that people will help me when I need it. Or, you know, basic human courtesy and society.

I'd be fine with that, too, if it were really the way things worked. Unfortunately, experience has taught me otherwise. Every time I've found myself in a situation where all these wonderful programs I'm paying for should be helping me out, I've been turned away. I would be perfectly OK with that if there were a good reason, but generally it boiled down to me being too white and having a penis.

Mns wrote:
There's no reason that we can't give EVERYONE SNAP benefits and have the government give everyone a stipend for rent and other cost of life expenses. The economic boost itself would more than pay for itself. A dollar invested in foodstamps yields ~1.70 in the economy, whereas corporate tax cuts yield about 30 cents. You tell me which one is the better investment. Imagine the stability and extra spending power you'd have if you didn't have any food expenses and your rent/mortgage payments cut in half.

I'd love to see the math and mental gymnastics involved with generating that assertion. It's probably the same kind of math that says the government is losing money when it's not spending money.

Looks like I should have just done this:

Jubbergun wrote:
Have you read so many "retarded things stupid republicans say" that your brain has become damaged by exposure to stupid?

Mns wrote:

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:44 pm  
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French Faggot
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Jubbergun wrote:
Mns wrote:
There's no reason that we can't give EVERYONE SNAP benefits and have the government give everyone a stipend for rent and other cost of life expenses. The economic boost itself would more than pay for itself. A dollar invested in foodstamps yields ~1.70 in the economy, whereas corporate tax cuts yield about 30 cents. You tell me which one is the better investment. Imagine the stability and extra spending power you'd have if you didn't have any food expenses and your rent/mortgage payments cut in half.

I'd love to see the math and mental gymnastics involved with generating that assertion. It's probably the same kind of math that says the government is losing money when it's not spending money.

No you wouldn't. If you were presented with facts you'd claim reality was biased. What you'd certainly never do is admit you were wrong and shut the fuck up, because it's not manly to accept that you've been a willing idiot your whole life.

And you definitely don't want to seem unmanly.

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:51 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Considering how much people in section 8 housing like to shit on(sometimes literally) everything given to them by the government, I don't think that math would play out in real life as well as it would on paper.

 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:53 pm  
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MegaFaggot 5000
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Usdk wrote:
Considering how much people in section 8 housing like to shit on(sometimes literally) everything given to them by the government, I don't think that math would play out in real life as well as it would on paper.

Its sort of like how with the exception of Texas, every state that went for Romney in 2012 actually takes more government money than it gives out. The whole mantra of the Tea Party is "the only moral x is my x", which is why nobody takes it seriously except those wrapped up in the cult. Its how we get "Keep the Government out of my Medicare" signs and how McConnell sold his vote for $2 billion for finishing a dam in Kentucky. Its how people like Bachmann and Palin rail against unnecessary spending but then get caught up in scandals where they embezzled campaign funds and congressmen who are rabidly anti-gay get caught fucking dudes.

I know full well that I'm paying for Social Security for my elders and that I'll be paid for in time, and I'm fine with that. People like Jubber will whine about the system all the way until they hit 65 and then will start taking the money as well as trying their damndest to burn down the system behind them so nobody else can benefit from such a social program. Paul Krugman once likened the Tea Party as the "Going out of Business Sale" for the Baby Boomers. They've spent their entire adult lives destroying the safety nets they've benefited from by the generations before them (which were won with blood, by the way) and now this is their one last hurrah before they truly become dependent on the generations they've pissed on for the past 10 years.

Also, don't forget that Social Security was created for a reason: Old people were literally dying in the streets before its invention, and that was before the insane health costs we have today. Its sort of like complaining how we don't have kids in coal mines anymore, so there's no reason to have child labor laws on the book: No shit, Sherlock. The reason we don't have these things is because we made laws to fight exactly these things and they worked.

PS: Considering the whole "welfare queen" idea that's vomited around in right-wing circles, wouldn't those bastard urban poors (read: blacks) just relish the opportunity to spend a boatload more money that they didn't earn?

Yuratuhl wrote:
No you wouldn't. If you were presented with facts you'd claim reality was biased.

Reality has a well-known liberal bias.

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:07 am  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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Mns wrote:
Reality has a well-known liberal bias.

Says the guy that lives in Fantasy Land.

Your Pal,

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:00 am  
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MegaFaggot 5000
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Jubbergun wrote:
Mns wrote:
Reality has a well-known liberal bias.

Says the guy that lives in Fantasy Land.

Your Pal,

I'll give you this one when I start seeing Democratic pundits "unskewing" opinion polls in elections.

EDIT: I like how your points are boiling down more and more down to "fuck you" each time you post, because I'm the one cheerleading the death of the elderly and the abolition of democracy in the country I supposedly love more than those dipshit LIEbruls. I'm reading more and more articles comparing the Tea Party to the Confederacy and its making more and more sense.

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:24 pm  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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Mns wrote:
I'll give you this one when I start seeing Democratic pundits "unskewing" opinion polls in elections.

Why wait for an election? They've been trying to "unskew" all the negativity in the polls about the ACA for months.

Mns wrote:
EDIT: I like how your points are boiling down more and more down to "fuck you" each time you post, because I'm the one cheerleading the death of the elderly and the abolition of democracy in the country I supposedly love more than those dipshit LIEbruls.

1) Fuck You (just so you won't be disappointed)
2) Acknowledging the reality that that Social Security is going to fall apart because the model can't be sustained with a shrinking population isn't "cheerleading the death of the elderly." Pointing out the flaws inherent in the ACA isn't something I'm doing because I want poor people to die. Expecting the government to stay within the boundaries set for it by law doesn't represent an "abolition of democracy" (we're not a 'democracy' anyway, we're a republic).
3) I think it's a little disingenuous to make the patriotic/unpatriotic nationalist hoo-ha "love 'Murica" argument when you essentially believe we need to turn into a European country.

Mns wrote:
I'm reading more and more articles comparing the Tea Party to the Confederacy and its making more and more sense.

Admitting you live in an echo chamber doesn't really do much to dispel the accusation that you're divorced from reality.

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:42 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Find a new cookie, people. This one's soggy.

 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:19 am  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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It's been a great week for the ACA, hasn't it? President Obama brings a baker's dozen of "success stories" to show off while he tries to spin the abysmal failure of the website (that people who can't even set up a web interface want to run 1/6 of the economy would be funny if it weren't actually happening), and we find out a few hours later that only three of those "successes" have actually signed up for insurance.

Now it looks like a small, vocal minority in congress is going to push for a one year delay again. Only this time the small, vocal minority are senate democrats who are up for election next year and don't want this fiasco to hose their re-election chances. Dana Bash from CNN tweeted: "new: senior dem source tells me to expect every sen dem running in 2014 to back @JeanneShaheen proposal to delay #ACA enrollment deadline." Now we know why Harry Reid wasn't opening the Continuing Resolutions up to amendments (other than his own, of course).

How bad does it have to get before the all of President Obama's apologists finally admit the ACA is a train wreck?

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:50 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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You know Jon Stewart and Charles Krauthammer had an interesting discussion the other day.

Stewart argued that modern conservativism is "too easy." It's too easy to maintain that the government can't do anything right, then obstruct it and point out all of it's failings without proposing alternative solutions.

Jubber, in all your ranting against the ACA, I have yet to see you propose a solution to the healthcare problem. All you know is that the government can't fix it. That's your only argument.

How do we lower healthcare costs?
How do you make sure people who have pre-existing conditions etc can get healthcare?
How do we protect people from Insurance companies that are designed to make profits (at the expense of the health of their customers)?

http://dailycaller.com/2013/10/24/charl ... servatism/

Jon Stewart wrote:
Your politics have shifted from liberal to conservative. Here is my issue with conservative politics as they stand right now. It’s too easy. It doesn’t have any of the responsibility of governance. If your mantra is government cannot help, then any chaos or lethargy that you sow in the government helps to prove your point. You have no incentive to be responsible in creating solutions to many of the problems that face us.

Charles Krauthammer wrote:
That would be true but unfortunately, the assumption is a caricature. The conservative idea is not that government has no role. You might have argued that in the thirties when conservatives opposed the New Deal. There’s no question of accepting the great achievements of liberalism — the achievements of the New Deal, of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare. The idea that you rescue the elderly and don’t allow the elderly to enter into destitution is a consensual idea that conservatives, at least the mainstream of conservatives —

Jon Stewart wrote:
I would say that the rhetoric is the same. If you look at the rhetoric when conservatives opposed the New Deal, opposed Social Security, opposed Medicare — it is identical. Ted Cruz quotes Ronald Reagan’s Medicare speech in 1960 as he opposed Obamacare.

Charles Krauthammer wrote:
Ted Cruz is not the official spokesman for American conservatism. If you want somebody who has been out there, who has offered an alternative — the person who offered an alternative for example is … Paul Ryan. But, let me start with his assumption. His assumption is not that government doesn’t have a role. His assumption is that the welfare state as established with great success by liberals has now reached a point where it no longer fits. With the new demographics and with the higher technology and medicine, we will simply become insolvent unless we radically reform. I’ll give you one fact. When Social Security was instituted, the age of longevity was 62. Today life expectancy is 80. So what you have is a huge change in the demographics and when you look to Europe, which is the social democratic state where we’re headed which has all the entitlements of the government activities which a liberal would want and — to with which American liberalism is headed — it became insolvent because it never adapted to the change in demographics and the change in technology. And it has had a rude awakening.

Jon Stewart wrote:
If it was ever presented in that fashion, the way you just presented it, I think the conversation we would be having in this country would be very different.


 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:45 pm  
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MegaFaggot 5000
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Azelma wrote:
How do we lower healthcare costs?
How do you make sure people who have pre-existing conditions etc can get healthcare?
How do we protect people from Insurance companies that are designed to make profits (at the expense of the health of their customers)?

There is no alternative. These are questions that the conservative isn't worried about, because the conservative is currently healthy. The conservative will say "repeal and replace", but its transparently clear they have no serious replacement, probably because their idea is already the ACA.

Also, I agree, the initial release of the website hasn't been great. Then again, if we had Medicare for All, we would probably have that up and running by now as opposed to a blowjob to the private insurance agency that we have now.

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 Post subject: Re: Gubment Shutdown
PostPosted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:55 pm  
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Old Conservative Faggot
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There are actually plans on the republican side, and other good ideas I've seen. When I have more than five minutes I'll post something.

Your Pal,

AKA "The Gun"

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