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 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:00 pm  
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Kunckleheaded Knob
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Yea, I also notice that what ever expansion it is rogues and FotM classes think that the world pvp is fine and everyone else is crying.

Çhubathingy - Shaman - Royal Militia
Hoenhiem - Paladin - Royal Militia
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 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:07 pm  
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Stupid Schlemiel
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Usdk wrote:
things were better pvp wise in BC because it was the most balanced pvp era of the game.

Ah the good old days, before death knights existed.

 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 3:46 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Yeah, I mean, Druids and Warriors were pretty OP in TBC (especially restro druids...so absurd...) but DKs are when PvP just became comically broken.


 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:20 pm  
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Falcon PUNCH! Faggot
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Azelma wrote:
Necrachilles wrote:
I feel bad cause you and Azelma are cool bros but people like you, people that just sit there and take it, I camp. I camp until they can't take it anymore and fight back, maybe get some friends or just log off. If they get more people than I can handle and I can't get backup, then maybe I'll leave. If they just log off, then I'll wait an hour, sometimes 3 or 4 depending on what I've got going on and how funny I think it will be to kill them as soon as they log back in. Then, after waiting 3 hours, kill them only once and walk away. That's normally all it takes to break a man.

One time, I camped a lowbie for 3 hours. She told me she was just going to let me kill her so I told her to spirit rez so I didn't have to wait all day for her rez timer. She took rez sick I think 47 times before she realized I wasn't going to stop. Then conceded and logged.

tldr: I was a dick with no life (perhaps still am?) but it was fun

Haha wow.

Here's the thing I don't understand about that...I mean, you're really just ruining someone's enjoyment of the game. And if they're a low enough player...they are never going to beat you. What's the point in even fighting back? You have the deck completely stacked in your favor. Your enjoyment is completely coming at the expense of ruining someone else's experience. And as for their friends...maybe they don't have any online. Maybe they're new to the game and haven't established friendships like that yet. Who knows.

I won't sit here and say I've never ganked a lowbie - so I can see how it's funny....but I've certainly never camped a lowbie, or spent hours griefing one. Do you ever consider that there's an actual human behind that computer screen? A human who maybe has any other number of things going on in their lives and you're just being terrible to them for no reason (other than it's funny, to you)? How do you reconcile that?

Consider this scenario:

You work around 60 hours a week at a dead end job for little more than minimum wage. You struggle to pay the rent and all the other bills. No girlfriend. Few IRL friends (can't afford to go out to bars). You barely get laid. But you know what, after long days of having a terrible boss yell at you, it's nice to come home and work on a new character you have in this game called World of Warcraft. Low and behold, you log in...and start getting ganked by someone a much higher level than you. You give up...you get camped over and over again. You can't even level because this guy keeps killing you. After a while, you just give up and log off in disgust. Totally defeated. Life sucks, and now you can't even play a video game in piece. You then kill yourself.

Haha okay obviously I'm being dramatic. But my point is, life is so shitty for so many people, why try to make something they're trying to escape to (WoW) even shittier? I mean...it doesn't even help you get better at the game (you don't even get honor if they are low enough), it has no value other than griefing someone. I just don't understand the mentality.

And before people say "PvP'd on a PvP server" -- I just think that's a copout. Getting attacked while I'm doing a daily or something is one thing. But a higher level player spending hours ganking a lower level player just isn't the same thing.

I love you Necra, but I really do struggle to understand that mentality. It just seems like a lack of empathy, because it's behind a keyboard and you won't have to see that person you are working so hard to upset for no reason other than your personal glee.

All good points and I've thought about them often. I've spared more people than I like to admit. Normally, I just kill someone once or twice and move on. If they're worth camping they'll find me and engage again at which point I'll beat them into submission.

To answer your question, it's a PvP server. The enjoyment is in killing another player. I feel no (Less) remorse for killing someone over and over again because it's not hard to get away. Getting camped really only happens to bad players. There's always a way out. If they can't figure it out well, then sucks to be them, maybe they should go to a PvE server or stay in safe zones.

That being said, I normally only targeted people with BoAs (so I know they have a main) and/or people in large guilds (so I know they have backup). Let's look at a screenshot, there were plenty more, of where I trolled one of the core raiders from Tasty Beverage into deleting his BiS char in a fit of rage (worth it)

Infinity.jpg [ 82.99 KiB | Viewed 4607 times ]

and for the hell of it, here's a few other screen caps that I found while looking for that one that are semi-related.

trash talk2.jpg
trash talk2.jpg [ 166.15 KiB | Viewed 4607 times ]

tldr: I for the most part agree with you. My enjoyment in PvP comes from the interaction with other people, not so much the "Higher Skill Level of Combat". Sometimes, killing a lowbie is harder than killing max level chars. Hell, I was camping level 90s at 85. Perhaps my repeated ganking spurs a few of these lowbies into getting good or at least seeking to improve, maybe with hope for revenge and if it plays out like that, and they kill me when they reach max level, I'm proud of them. It's happened a few times and I've actually become friends with those people.

I have to go to work D:

This post is very unorganized and scattered but fuck it. I'll be back later lol

Here's a gif.

727498213029916073735090.gif [ 2.56 MiB | Viewed 4607 times ]

 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:39 am  
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Querulous Quidnunc
Joined: Wed May 12, 2010 8:41 am
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Makes sense, and yes...some of those SS are pretty hilarious when people are raging.

To answer your question, it's a PvP server. The enjoyment is in killing another player. I feel no (Less) remorse for killing someone over and over again because it's not hard to get away. Getting camped really only happens to bad players. There's always a way out. If they can't figure it out well, then sucks to be them, maybe they should go to a PvE server or stay in safe zones.

I think this is where we differ -- for you, the fun is just killing another player, regardless of the honor, "game reward" or anything in it. For me, the fun is all about the "challenge" - It's way more gratifying beating someone after a long intense battle 1v1 than zerging someone or just two shotting a lowbie, at least for me. I can see how pissing people off is funny...but at the end of the day, if someone is just trying to level, I feel like I have better things to do with my time then prevent them from doing that.

As for a way out...this is a good point. I've learned much in my WoW time about getting away if I'm getting ganked repeatedly. The unfortunate thing is like with MoP, they don't let lower level players use flying mounts (something I think they should change for leveling)...which makes "getting away" much more difficult.

That said, my two moves are as follows:

Try to rez somewhere out of the way, behind a tree or rock and insta shadow meld.
Rez somewhere out of the way and immediately mount up and fly away or ride away when possible.
Log off and do something else

Last argument against this though...much of these people you gank may be trying to quest or level. Depending on their level, it may not be as easy to get to other quest hubs...you may be camping them by an important quest item or objective. In that case, running away achieves the same effect as getting killed over and over...you're still not making any progress.

Last question (and sorry if I'm rambling) - what is so much more fun about this scenario than actual PvP scenarios (either BGs, Arena, or PvP specific zones and objectives?). Why not do those things to get your PvP fill?


 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:45 am  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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the reason they dont let you use flying mounts is so that you have to look at every stupid rock and mossy tree that those nerds spent months building.

 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 12:18 pm  
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Kunckleheaded Knob
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Azelma wrote:
What is so much more fun about this scenario than actual PvP scenarios (either BGs, Arena, or PvP specific zones and objectives?). Why not do those things to get your PvP fill?

I think its partially a Vanilla thing, back then when all PvP was server locked world PvP meant something(negative points were also cool).
Also, as a rogue if you aren't retarded you can win every battle you engage in out in the world / disengage if to many bros show up, VS being in a BG/Arena you have to beat a "team".
I do my "PvP" in other games(Dota2, CS;S ect) these days simply because WoW isn't "balanced" and it has way to much setup time.

I also think the question is raised because 90% of people have a focus in the game now. Back in the day I think people did a bit of everything(or at least more people did).
With the advent of "PvP" stats it has kind of ruined world PvP for me more and more every Expac simply because I have had less and less time to put into the game(pretty much all of my game time happens inside an instance these days) and its just no fun to get two shot by someone in garbage gear just because his gear has PvP power on it and mine doesn't have RES.
In Vanilla/BC I could hold my own in a lot of matchups w/o any pvp gear just with positioning and other nohow AND it at least felt like PvP battles lasted longer, now adays if someone with PvP gear jumps my shaman I'm dead in like 10 seconds(doesn't help that Ele has a lot of setup time and you are either setting up offense or defense so if you start from behind you are pretty much boned>.>).

All that said getting "ganked" doesn't really bother me that much, probably because I don't spend any time out in the world anymore(25 dailys a week and 16 hours inside an instance is about all I can swing these days)

Çhubathingy - Shaman - Royal Militia
Hoenhiem - Paladin - Royal Militia
Contact: Bnet= nurindun#1138 / twitter / twitch
 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 2:00 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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DoubleH wrote:
Also, as a rogue if you aren't retarded you can win every battle you engage in out in the world / disengage if to many bros show up, VS being in a BG/Arena you have to beat a "team".

Ah this touches on something that, especially as a squishy clothie priest (Rogue's prime target), is very near and dear to my heart. I've never had much respect for rogues as a class because they are just the cheapest, gankiest class in the game (though DKs get a nod just for being absurd). I can't tell you how many times I've survived an initial rogue onslaught only to start fighting back and almost beating them...so they blind me and run away, or vanish and run away, or CoS and run away, or any other number of pussy-mechanic moves rogues have been gifted coupled with running away like gaping vaginas. I understand, that's how their class works...it's all about getting the jump and bursting down a target before they can react...still, I haaaaaaate it. Maybe because part of me wishes I could just stealth and move around QQ

Reminds me of a time I had with Yewluze in Wrath (love you buddy). Azelma was out in the world doing some leveling or something...and Yewluze attacked and killed me. So I grabbed my Prot Paladin since LOL GL killing that mr rogue....I battled with Yewluze over and over...and every time he would be near death, blind and run away. Vanish, run away. It was a complete stalemate...and I couldn't kill him no matter how close I got. Just wanted to pay him back for picking on my priesty. :( :(

DoubleH wrote:
I also think the question is raised because 90% of people have a focus in the game now. Back in the day I think people did a bit of everything(or at least more people did).
With the advent of "PvP" stats it has kind of ruined world PvP for me more and more every Expac simply because I have had less and less time to put into the game(pretty much all of my game time happens inside an instance these days) and its just no fun to get two shot by someone in garbage gear just because his gear has PvP power on it and mine doesn't have RES.
In Vanilla/BC I could hold my own in a lot of matchups w/o any pvp gear just with positioning and other nohow AND it at least felt like PvP battles lasted longer, now adays if someone with PvP gear jumps my shaman I'm dead in like 10 seconds(doesn't help that Ele has a lot of setup time and you are either setting up offense or defense so if you start from behind you are pretty much boned>.>).

Interesting you know they are removing PvP resiliance on gear in 5.3? Basically you'll start at idk like 60% resiliance just by being level 90...and Heroic level raid gear is on par with the best PvP gear. The idea is that it will transition people who do PvE into PvP more. PvP gear is still important as it will allow you to do more damage to other players...but on pure survivability, resiliance is out. This is a good change imo.


 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 2:40 pm  
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Falcon PUNCH! Faggot
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Usdk wrote:
the reason they dont let you use flying mounts is so that you have to look at every stupid rock and mossy tree that those nerds spent months building.


And Azelma's post reminded me of when the Argent Tourney was first starting up and they had the daily to pick up rocks. Some prot paladin was trying to do it and I got into a fight with him but it was a stalemate. So instead, I started stealing all of his rocks, deleting them and doing it again. This went on for like 30 minutes before he sent me a tell like "STOP STEALING MY SMALL STONE BLOCKS!". Actually, I think he made a forum post. Either way, I kept sapping him so at one point he Trinketed and then bubbled so I clocked (to prevent HoJ) and stole them all anyways.

Good times.

 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 2:47 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Necrachilles wrote:
Usdk wrote:
the reason they dont let you use flying mounts is so that you have to look at every stupid rock and mossy tree that those nerds spent months building.


And Azelma's post reminded me of when the Argent Tourney was first starting up and they had the daily to pick up rocks. Some prot paladin was trying to do it and I got into a fight with him but it was a stalemate. So instead, I started stealing all of his rocks, deleting them and doing it again. This went on for like 30 minutes before he sent me a tell like "STOP STEALING MY SMALL STONE BLOCKS!". Actually, I think he made a forum post. Either way, I kept sapping him so at one point he Trinketed and then bubbled so I clocked (to prevent HoJ) and stole them all anyways.

Good times.

I think you're the biggest troll in WoW ;p


 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:17 pm  
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Obtuse Oaf
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Azelma wrote:
Ah this touches on something that, especially as a squishy clothie priest (Rogue's prime target)

Reminds me of a time I had with Yewluze in Wrath (love you buddy). Azelma was out in the world doing some leveling or something...and Yewluze attacked and killed me. So I grabbed my Prot Paladin since LOL GL killing that mr rogue....I battled with Yewluze over and over...and every time he would be near death, blind and run away. Vanish, run away. It was a complete stalemate...and I couldn't kill him no matter how close I got. Just wanted to pay him back for picking on my priesty. :( :(

I was about to say you sounded a little mad. Suddenly nostalgia.



If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.
 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 8:05 pm  
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Querulous Quidnunc
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wrain was a better troll

 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:33 pm  
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Falcon PUNCH! Faggot
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Wrain was a better everything. Ask someone these days who Wrain or hell, Daneaothoc or Usdsuperhero (probably even as recently as Ticklethis) and none is going to know who you're talking about. I looked at the forums. It really has become a huge circlejerk. A bloated WoW version of Hot or Not.

 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 11:40 pm  
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MegaFaggot 5000
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Don't put Dane and Ticklethis in the same area as Usd and Wrain. Thanks.

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 Post subject: Re: WoW's Death Continues....
PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 12:57 am  
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Obtuse Oaf
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Daneaothoc tried (he died to guards) to kill some baddies who were trying to kill me in Gadgetzan while I was leveling and Gulaja (I think) lurked on the outer rims near the Alliance FP.

Dane was really good.

If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.
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